Int J Curr Pharm Res, Vol 15, Issue 3, 1-5Review Article



1,2Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, S. V. Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital T. T. D, Tirupati-517507, Andhra Pradesh, India
*Corresponding author: Roshni V. K.; Email:

Received: 10 Mar 2023, Revised and Accepted: 12 Apr 2023


Sneha kalpana is an important dosage form of Ayurveda which is helpful in treating wide range of diseases. From the term "Snih" dhatu the word “Sneha” is derived. Sneha means fat or fatty material. From the root word ‘Krup Samarthye’, the word Kalpana is originated. It denotes specific procedures which help to convert a drug into medicament eg. Taila Kalpana and Ghrita Kalpana. Sneha kalpana is the pharmaceutical process where the fat and water-soluble active principles are extracted from the basic ingredients into sneha. Sneha is used in all modes of drug administration procedures, including Pana, Abhyanga, Bhojhana, Nasya, and Basti. There are several steps involved in the preparation of Sneha, including Poorva karma (the selection of Sneha and other dravya i.e., kalka dravya and drava dravya), pradhana karma (Sneha paka), and paschat karma (filtering of prepared sneha). Sneha kalpana is discussed in a detailed manner in this article.

Keywords: Sneha kalpana, Sneha paka, Sneha Sidhhi lakshana, Murchana, Avartana, kuzhambu


Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is a unique branch of Ayurveda that deals with herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral preparations, among which Sneha Kalpana is an important one. The sources of origin of sneha are Sthavara eg: Taila, and Jangama eg: Vasa, Majja, Ghrita [1]. Ghrita, Taila, Vasa, and Majja are the four types of Sneha. Due to its peculiar qualities, “Ghrita” is regarded as "the best" among them; It easily absorbs the qualities of other medications that come into contact with it. When it comes into contact with another drug or substances, it retains all of its natural properties [2]. Ghrita Kalpana and Taila Kalpana are the two basic forms of Sneha Kalpana. Sneha Murchana, Sneha Paka, and Paka Siddhi are the stages in the preparation of sneha kalpana. Kalpana is a method, type of modification, or strategy for preparing medicine [3].

Sneha kalpana

The aim of "sneha Kalpana" is to absorb the fat-soluble and water-soluble active principles from the kalka dravya and kwatha dravya in to the sneha.

The aims of Sneha kalpana are

One part of "Kalka dravya", four parts of "Sneha dravya," and sixteen parts of "drava dravya" are combined to make "Sneha Kalpana." The mixture is boiled until ‘Sneha-siddhi lakshana’ are attained [4]. The essential ingredients of Sneha kalpana are as follows:

Kalka dravya

In case of fresh and wet drugs kalka is prepared by pounding in a Khalva yantra. For dry drugs, the fine powder of these drugs is triturated with the necessary amount of water to prepare kalka [5].

Sneha dravya

Sneha dravya (oil or ghee) is taken 4 times to that of Kalka dravya [6].

Drava dravya

Drava dravya is taken 4 times to that of Sneha. The drava dravya may be

General method of preparation

Specific rules of Sneha preparation

Rule 1

The quantity of kalka dravya differs from the general ratio depending on the different drava dravya used [8].

Table 1: Kalka dravya and drava dravya ratio

Drava dravya Quantity of kalka
Ambu 1/4th
Kwatha 1/6th
Swarasa 1/8th



Rule 2

In the case of godugdha (milk), dadhi (curd), mamsarasa (meat soup), takra (buttermilk) used as drava dravya the quantity of ‘Kalka dravya’ should be 1/8th. However, for appropriate paka of ‘Sneha’ four times of water is also added [9].



Rule 3

If there are five or more "drava dravya," then the total quantity of each should be equal that of Sneha [10].



Rule 4

If drava dravya are not mentioned in any of the Sneha preparations, water is to be used as a drava dravya. It should be four times the quantity of sneha used [11].



Rule 5

If only ‘Kwatha dravya’ is mentioned in a sneha preparation, then ‘Kalka’ of same drugs may also be added during the snehapaka [12].



The Kalka of the same drugs (taken for kwatha) may be added during the snehapaka to enhance the potency of sneha.

Rule 6

If ‘Kalka’ is not mentioned in a‘sneha kalpana’, there sneha may be prepared without kalka [13].



Swarasa alone is taken as drava dravya which is already a concentrated form. Therefore, there is no need to add kalka.

Rule 7

If ‘Puspa kalka’ is present in the preparation, it should be taken in 1/8th part to that of ‘sneha’ but not as per general ratio [14].



Flower being the reproductive part of the plant has high nutritive value and is more potent, hence it is taken in less quantity.

Specific time duration for Snehapaka

The duration of Sneha paka varies with the drava dravya taken.

Table 2: Showing specific time duration for ‘Snehapaka’ [15]

Drava dravya Time required
Mamsarasa 1 d
Milk 2 d
Swarasa 3 d
Takra, Dadhi, Kanji, Gomutra 5 d
Roots, Creepers, Climbers 12 d


General dosage and adjuvants

One pala (48g) is the general dosage of ‘Sneha Kalpana’ administered along with suitable adjuvants like warm water, honey, sugar, medicinal powders, decoctions etc.

Pharmaceutical aspect of Sneha kalpana

It includes Murchana of sneha and snehapaka.

Sneha murchana

Sneha Murchana is one particular procedure which is done on sneha before subjecting the drugs to Snehapaka. It is applied for both Taila and Ghrita. There are no references regarding Sneha Murchana in Brihattrayee. The importance and method of Murchana process is described for the first time in Bhaishajya Ratnavali [16].

Taila murcchana

Ingredients of Taila murcchana are taken in the following ratio.


Ghrita murcchana

Ingredients and quantity of drugs taken for ghrita murcchana are 1 pala each of Pathya, Dhatri, Vibhitaki, Jaladha, Rajani, Matulunga swarasa. 1 prastha each of Ajya (ghee) and Jala is to be taken [18].


Significance of sneha murcchana

Hence, it is clear that by murcchana samskara the oil/ghee preparations are made more stable and quickly absorbable into the system [20].






Table 3: Types of Snehapaka [21]

Stages of Paka Kalka Sneha
Amapaka Water content (+), Cracking sound. Water content (+), Cracking sound.
Mridupaka Sticky, traces of water (+), Cracking sound. Traces of water (+), Cracking sound.
Madhyamapaka Non-sticky, free from water content, varti can be made no cracking sound. Water content (-), Cracking sound (-), Froth appearance (taila), Subsidization of Froth (ghrita), desired colour, odour and taste.
Kharapaka Kalka become hard, rough, darkened, water-free, and dry. Colour, odour and taste may change.
Dagdhapaka Rough, dry, and black often charred burnt. Essential contents of Sneha particularly loss of colour, odour and taste.

Utility of various Snehapaka according to Acharya Charaka

Significance of snehapaka

Sneha siddhi lakshana

Confirmative tests for completion of snehapaka:

Precautions for Sneha kalpana

During the preparation of Sneha Kalpana, utmost care and caution is needed. Inadequate maintenance will result in poor quality of finished goods, manufacturing losses, or early rancidity. Hence, the following safety measures must be performed.

Before processing

Good quality of all the ingredients should be kept ready.

During the process

The tailapaka should be carried in Mandagni; the intensity of the fire is maintained constant. In the initial stage, the mixture should be stirred for the facilitation of homogeneous mixing and stirring in later stages to avoid sticking of kalka to the vessel resulting in carbonization. Proper care should be taken to determine the stages of Snehapaka.

After Snehapaka process

Packing: Sneha are packed in air-tight containers.

Gandhapaka (Patra paka)

Sneha is flavoured by certain selected ‘gandha dravya’ is known as Gandhapaka. The ‘fine kalka’ of such drugs are placed in the vessel into which the warm prepared Sneha is filtered. The Sneha is later filtered once more and packaged into suitable containers after cooling..

Gandhapaka dravya

Gandha paka dravya includes Samanga, Kunduru, Nakha, Karpura, Kankola, Turuska, Nalika, Sprikka, Jatikosa, Kumkuma, Tvak, Kasturi. These should be used after completion of snehapaka in order to have an aromatic smell [27].


Repetition, doing something repeatedly, or stirring or churning something are all definitions of the term avartana. Therefore, it is the process of continuously adding properties. This potentiates the final product; to achieve the maximum benefit of the drug. Sneha which is subjected for repeated processing (paka) along with kalka dravya and drava dravya is called Avartita Sneha.

Method of preparation

The general procedures of Sneha Kalpana are followed to obtain Sneha. Kalka and Drava dravya are added for the second Avarthy and Sneha paka is done. Number of such repetitions would determine the number of Avartana. Variation in consistency, colour and odour of the product may be observed after each Avartana. Examples of Avartayukta Sneha Kalpana are as follows:

Advantages and disadvantages of Avartita sneha

Advantages of avartita sneha are:

Disadvantages of avartita sneha are


Kuzhambu is a traditional preparation in Kerala, and is a special and evolved form of Sneha Kalpana. It is an oily preparation like Taila Kalpana, but here base of this Kalpana consists of Tila taila, Eranda taila, and ghrita in specific proportions. It is exclusively used for external applications and prepared by the permutation and combination of mahasneha.

Kuzhambu is a combination of three sneha dravya. In the Ayurveda classics there is no direct reference to Kuzhambu. Kuzhambu Kalpana is more Vatahara action than the Taila. By doing this procedure Viscosity of the Sneha will increase. There will be no change in the ingredients but only in the Sneha dravya. The rate of absorption is higher than the use of single sneha and it is highly effective. Even though Kuzhambu is used mainly for Vata-vyadhi, it also possesses tridoshahara property. It acts as a Pushtikara and Bala vardhaka.

Examples of kuzhambu

Sneha dravya-Eranda taila, Tila taila, Goghrita

Significance of Avartana and Kuzhambu

Sneha kalpana with rasa dravya


Sneha kalpana is a unique dosage form of Ayurveda in which both lipid and water-soluble active principles are extracted. It is a very frequently used liquid dosage form and administered through all the routes of our body. Avartita sneha helps to prepare a potent oleaginous formulation of desired potency. Each 3 drugs in Kuzhambu have its own role in the combination. It has greater application in therapeutics specially as external application. Hence, Sneha kalpana is the most important dosage form which yields major therapeutic effects. It has greater application in therapeutics specially as external application.




All the authors have contributed equally.


Declared none


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