Innovare Journal of Social Sciences 2025-01-01T16:48:42+0530 Editor Open Journal Systems <p>Innovare Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS) is dedicated to publishing good quality work. IJSS is a peer-reviewed open-access journal started in April 2013 and regularly published bimonthly (Onwards Jan 2019). The scope of the journal is focused on Social Sciences in the following areas of interest:</p> <ul> <li class="show">History</li> <li class="show">Sociology</li> <li class="show">Religious</li> <li class="show">Economics</li> <li class="show">Linguistics</li> <li class="show">Geography</li> <li class="show">Population</li> <li class="show">Archaeology</li> <li class="show">Area Studies</li> <li class="show">Political Science</li> <li class="show">Arts and Humanities</li> <li class="show">Communication Studies</li> <li class="show">Management, Philosophy</li> <li class="show">Cultural and Ethnic Studies</li> <li class="show">Anthropology, Law, Psychology</li> <li class="show">Criminology &amp; Criminal Justice, </li> <li class="show">physiology, education, Sociology &amp; Social Work</li> </ul> <p>The Journal publishes original research work as a Full Research Paper or Short Communication. Review Articles on a current topic in the fields are also considered for publication in the Journal.The Innovare Journals of Social Sciences publishes articles in two languages: English &amp; Hindi.</p> <p><strong>Abstracting and Indexing</strong></p> <p>OAI, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CNKI (China Knowledege Resource Integrated Database)</a>, LOCKKS, Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, OCLC (World Digital Collection Gateway), UIUC, BASE, <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Crossref, Road.</span></p> <p> </p> AI VERSUS HUMAN GRADERS: ASSESSING THE ROLE OF LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2024-10-01T13:29:43+0530 MAHLATSE RAGOLANE SHAHIEM PATEL PRANISHA SALIKRAM <p>While artificial intelligence (AI) grading is seeing an increase in use and adoption, traditional educational practices are also forced to adapt and function together with AI, especially in assessment grading. In retrospect, human grading, on the other hand, has long been the cornerstone of educational assessment. Conventionally, educators have assessed student work based on established criteria, providing feedback intended to support learning and development. While human grading offers nuanced understanding and personalized feedback, it is also subject to limitations such as grading inconsistencies, biases, and significant time demands. This paper explores the role of large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4, in grading processes in higher education and compares their effectiveness with that of traditional human grading methods. The study uses both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and the research extends across multiple academic programs and modules, providing a comprehensive assessment of how AI can complement or replace human graders. In study 1, we focused on (n=195) scripts in (n=3) modules and compared GPT 3.5, GPT 4, and human graders. Manually marked scripts exhibited an average of 24% mark difference. Subsequently, (n=20) scripts were assessed using GPT-4, which yielded a more precise evaluation. Total average of 4% difference in results. There were individual instances where marks were higher, but this could not naturally be a marker judgment. In Study 2, the results from the first study highlighted the need for a comprehensive memorandum; thus, we identified (n=4341), among which (n=3508) scripts were used. The study found that AI remains efficient when the memorandum is well-structured. It was also found that while AI excels in scalability, human graders excel in interpreting complex answers, evaluating creativity, and picking up plagiarism. In Study 3, we evaluated formative assessments in GPT 4 (statistics n=602, Business Statistics n=859 and Logistics Management n=522). The third study demonstrated that AI marking tools can effectively manage the demands of formative assessments, particularly in modules where the questions are objective and structured, such as Statistics and Logistics Management. The initial error in Statistics 102 highlighted the importance of a well-designed memorandum. The study concludes that AI tools can effectively reduce the burden on educators but should be integrated into a hybrid model in which human markers and AI systems work in tandem to achieve fairness, accuracy, and quality in assessments. This paper contributes to ongoing debates about the future of AI in education by emphasizing the importance of a well-structured memorandum and human discretion in achieving balanced and effective grading solutions.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahlatse Ragolane WOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES LOANS: A CASE STUDY ON WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS OF PABNA DISTRICT 2024-09-26T11:17:37+0530 SAHIBA MAHBUB <p>The study sought to determine the impact of small and medium enterprises (SME) loans on women empowerment in Pabna District in Bangladesh. Day by day, the numbers of women entrepreneurs are increasing. But still, the ratio of male and female entrepreneurs is unequal. The objectives of this study were to find out reasons to take SME loans, to assess the level of women empowerment based on some selected indicators, and to identify some barriers to women entrepreneurship development in Pabna District in Bangladesh. The sample comprised 100 women entrepreneurs from Pabna District who have taken SME loans from private banks, public banks, and non-government organizations. To get specific results from this study, several data analysis methods have been applied. Some specific findings of the study are women entrepreneurs take small and medium enterprise loans to improve the economic condition of their families, the level of empowerment increases after starting economic activities through small and medium enterprise loans, most potential barriers in women’s entrepreneurship development are socio-cultural constraint and complexities to get loans. The study only focused on one district. Therefore, it is hard to represent the whole country. The findings of this study could help future researchers.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Sahiba Mahbub USING IMAGE DESCRIPTION TO INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEAKING ABILITIES THROUGH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2024-10-04T08:22:32+0530 EDY SUSENO <p>Fifteen university students signed up for the program. To improve their speech defects, they signed up for the online therapy course. The teacher started getting ready by inviting the students to a WhatsApp group. Then, in an effort to include the students in providing ideas, he asked them to choose a preferred photo from their phone album. To obtain the text, the lecturer instructed the students to input such an image into the artificial intelligence (AI) assistance application. After that, an additional AI program was used to extract the audio from the text to be used to retell the story. To help them manage their learning, the teacher made comments to each student. To draw a conclusion, a qualitative analysis was then carried out. According to the study’s findings, the pupils’ speech skills improved when they used the AI assistant to retell. Teachers would find the results useful.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Suseno PREVALENCE AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS OF COMMON MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS AND UTILIZATION OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AMONG PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS IN UNIVERSITY OF GONDAR COMPRESSIVE SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL, ETHIOPIA 2024-10-26T12:13:19+0530 HIWOT ENKU SELAMAWI SEID HASSEN HUSSIEN ABEBE FEKADU ADERA DESSALEW SHEFERAW YESUF <p>Mental health problems in this thesis refer to a wide range of mental conditions, ranging from self-reported symptoms such as worries and mildly depressed mood to symptoms that meet the criteria for a diagnosis<em>. </em>This study was conducted in Gondar University Hospital, using quantitative method to achieve the objective of research. And, hence, quantitative survey study design was applied; data were collected from a total of 357 participants selected from antiretroviral service users using simple random sampling technique. Self-reporting questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was employed to show the frequency and distribution of sociodemographic characteristics of the study participant. Binary logistic regression model was used to identify association between dependent (Prevalence of common mental health problems) and independent variables (Sociodemographic, clinical and mental health service utilization). The result revealed that the prevalence of common mental health problem among people living with HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) attending antiretroviral therapy in the study setting was 32.77% from 357 study participants. In the multivariable logistic regression model occupation, the presence of antiretroviral drug side effect and lack of social support were statistically associated with common mental health problems among people living with HIV/AIDS attending ART at University of Gondar Compressive specialized hospital. Regarding mental health service utilization, only 60 (16.8%) of the study participant were utilizing the mental health service in the hospital. In this study, the prevalence of common mental health problem was high but mental health service utilization was low. In this study, about one-third (32.77%) of people living HIV reported that having mental health problem. This shows that the prevalence of common mental health problem among people living with HIV in University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital is high. Beside this utilization of mental health service among this group of people is low which 16.8%. Being unemployed, the presence of antiretroviral drug side effect and having social support were independent predictors of common mental health problem among HIV-positive adult patients attending ART follow-up at the University of Gondar compressive specialized hospital. However, utilization of mental health service among these groups of population is low compared with its prevalence. Therefore, further researcher and interventions are need for prevention and control of common mental health disorder (CMD) among people living with HIV. Especial attention, care, and support are mandatory for those HIV-positive people having ART drug side effect and unemployed. Strengthen and improve social support have good effect in the reduction of CMD among people living with HIV.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Seid Hussien, Enku, Fekadu, Shiferaw UNEMPLOYMENT, POVERTY, AND NATIONAL SECURITY: IMPLICATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEMOCRACY IN NIGERIA 2024-10-28T11:59:33+0530 WANAN CORNELIUS TERZUNGWE GABRIEL TYOYILA AKWEN MUHAMMED SANI YUSUF AMOS ASONGO JEV <p>This study examined the relationship between unemployment, poverty, and national security, anchored on a psychological, frustrated aggression theory. The research argues that unemployment is a cause of poverty and a problem for national security. This scenario puts Nigeria’s democratic survival at peril, lacking the peace and security that democracy needs to thrive. Such individuals would be poor in a country with many unemployed people because they would not be able to participate effectively in the country’s socioeconomic development, which jeopardizes lives and property through discussing the maintenance of democracy in Nigeria and extrapolated in the research. The study employed the qualitative approach using primary and secondary data drawn from online sources, journals, and newspapers. The findings indicate increasing investment in the country’s socioeconomic initiatives and programs to combat poverty and unemployment. The working-age population should be broadly reoriented toward the need for self-employment, as the government alone cannot offer the necessary jobs. The study recommends that technical education be promoted and revived as a surefire method of developing youths’ capacity for self-employment.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Musa Bulama Musa STORMWATER HARVESTING FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL WATER SUPPLY, MUA HILLS SETTLEMENT, MACHAKOS COUNTY, KENYA 2024-11-12T15:40:11+0530 LOISE KITULU SILAS MUKETHA MWANGI MARINGA <p><strong>Objectives: </strong>Water though vital to all life forms, is unevenly distributed globally, with some areas facing drought and others experiencing floods. Increasing population and economic growth exacerbate the challenges of water availability. In Africa, rising climate variability leads to more frequent droughts and floods, increasing vulnerability and complicating sustainable water resource development. This situation highlights the urgent need to address decreasing per capita freshwater resources, inefficient use, and poor management of existing water supplies.This study aimed to investigate the implication of stormwater harvesting on the sustainability of the rural water supply system. To do so, it assessed whether the existing water supply met water demand, while also delineating the factors that affected stormwater supply. It also evaluated the potential for stormwater harvesting in augmenting rural water supply. In consequence, the study tested two mutually reinforcing assumptions. First that there was no significant difference between the existing water supply and water demand in the Mua settlement. Second that stormwater harvesting had significant potential for water supply in the Mua settlement.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>The study was anchored on the game theory, systems theory, evaporation and transpiration theory, theory of natural resources, and theory of integrated water resource management. Essential concepts in the study were sustainability and the Internet of water things. The study employed social and descriptive survey designs with qualitative and quantitative methods, using purposive, stratified, cluster, and random sampling techniques.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The research found that in the Mua Hills settlement, water demand surpassed the supply of 8.7m3/day as of 2024. It also established that stormwater harvesting was greatly hindered by the private land tenure that allowed residents to farm upstream, thereby polluting any dams built.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The study proposed strategies that could be employed to ensure stormwater harvesting for sustainable rural water supply. Based on spatial analysis, it delineated 29.64% of the settlement as entirely unsuitable for development. Further, the study recommended constructing small dams and water pans upstream to supply water downstream. The study emphasized the need for a catchment-based approach to water resource management. Correspondingly, it advocated for the development of catchment planning and management policies, and pertinent strategies. Together, these would ensure sustainable stormwater harvesting. Finally, the study suggested the need for further research on integrating land use and water resource conservation.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2025 LOISE KITULU, SILAS MUKETHA, MWANGI MARINGA