
  • Arbind Kumar Choudhary
  • Rekha Jiwane
  • Tanwir Alam
  • Sadawarte Sahebrao Kishanrao


Objective: Sedentary habits are considered one of the most important reasons for various cardiovascular complication and risks. Taking into this
account the objective of the present study was to to explore the empirical association between accumulation of fat and heart health status among nonsedentary
and sedentary habits in kitchen
of our modernized society.
Method: The current study included 100 women (22-40 years old). Workers who met the inclusion criteria were assigned in to two groups: Group (I)
Non-sedentary workers (n-58) and Group (II) - sedentary workers (n-42). Commonly, workers which used to do simple movement work in kitchen
were considered as control and which mostly worked at one place in kitchen for more than 6-hours of total working schedule (8–hours). were included
in sedentary workers, Anthropometric measurement like body fat ( (%waist circumference(WC), waist hip (WH) ratio, and heart rate variability(HRV)
were measured and analyzed by the independent student ʻtʼ test, followed by Pearson correlation and Linear regression.
Result: we observed, there was significant increase in body fat ( (%, WC, WH ratio and sympathetic dominance among sedentary participants when
compare to non-sedentary participants. There was significant negative correlation between LF and HF, body fat and HF, as well as WH ratio and HF,
and significant positive correlation between body fat and LF as well as WH ratio and LF.
Conclusion: These results suggest that sedentary behaviour in kitchen is associated with accumulation of adiposity and alteration of sympatho-vagal
balance, may lead to cardiometabolic risk in adult women.
Key words: Body fat distribution, Heart rate variability, Sedentary habit, physical activity.


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How to Cite

Choudhary, A. K., R. Jiwane, T. Alam, and S. S. Kishanrao. “SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR IN KITCHEN IS LIABLE TO FAT ACCUMULATION AND CARDIO-METABOLIC RISK”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 263-7,



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