
  • HERDWIANI W Institute of Technology Bandung
  • Soemardji Aa
  • Elfahmi
  • Tan Mi


Cinnamon is one of the most popular and oldest spices. Several recent studies have found that cinnamon also has anticancer activity. The present work
has reported the antineoplastic potential of the spice cinnamon in cancer. Collectively, these data suggest that cinnamon could be proposed as a potent
anticancer drug. The bibliographic investigation was carried out during January 2004-December 2014 by analyzing journals and peer-reviewed
papers from the last decades. Peer-reviewed articles were indexed by Scopus, PubMed, and Google scholar. Only relevant studies published in English
were considered. There were 24 articles that reported the cytotoxic activity of cinnamon on all culture cell lines. About 8 species of Cinnamomum have
been isolated with their active compounds for cancer cell lines. Based on the reviews of those articles, we conclude that cinnamon has the potential
to be further developed as an anticancer agent. In further development, however, not only the research for investigating the anticancer activities, but
also research for investigating the safety of cinnamon to the normal cell need to be performed.
Keywords: Review, Cinnamon, Anticancer, Cinnamomum species, Cell lines.


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How to Cite

W, H., S. Aa, Elfahmi, and T. Mi. “A REVIEW OF CINNAMON AS A POTENT ANTICANCER DRUG”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 3, May 2016, pp. 8-13, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/10585.



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