
  • Vaibhav Walia Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana


Objective: To investigate the influence of immobilization stress of 2 hrs and FLX on the immobility period of unstressed and stressed mice and to
determine how stress and FLX modulates the effect of each other.
Methods: Mice were stressed by immobilization for 2 hrs and the immobility period of both unstressed and stressed mice were determined by using
tail suspension test (TST) and forced swim test (FST).
Results: Immobilization stress of 2 hrs increased the immobility period of mice in both TST and FST. FLX reduced the immobility period of both
unstressed and stressed mice in both TST and FST. Both immobilization stress of 2 hrs and FLX modulated the effect of each other. Immobility period
of mice in which FLX was administered before the immobilization stress of 2 hrs had no significant difference from the immobility period of mice in
which FLX was administered after the immobilization stress of 2 hrs.
Conclusion: It has been concluded that the immobility period of mice in which FLX was administered before the immobilization stress of 2 hrs had no
significant difference from the immobility period of mice in which FLX was administered after the immobilization stress of 2 hrs.
Keywords: Stress, Depression, Fluoxetine, Immobility.


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How to Cite

Walia, V. “INFLUENCE OF STRESS AND FLUOXETINE ON IMMOBILITY PERIOD OF MICE IN TAIL SUSPENSION TEST AND FORCED SWIM TEST”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 2, Mar. 2016, pp. 302-5,



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