
  • Reginold Jebitta S
  • Jeyanth Allwin S


Objective: The main aim of the study is to find the nutritional properties of Jamun pulp powder even after drying under different drying condition.
Total phenol, anthocyanin, and flavonoids present in each dried samples vary with respect to temperature. These results will be a source for the
further study in antioxidants and pharmaceutical formulations.
Methods: Quantitative analyzes of significant phytochemicals were performed by standard methods. 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay was done
to find out the antioxidant activity.
Results: Among all the different dryers, the maximum amount of total phenolic content measured by Folin–Ciocalteau method was 13.99 mg GA
equivalents/g, total flavonoid contents as measured by aluminum chloride method was 104.8 mg quercetin equivalents (QE)/g, and anthocyanin
content 7.56 mg/g was found in freeze-dried at −40°. The lowest was found in cross flow dryer with phenol content 7.6 mg GA equivalents/g,
flavonoids 34.05104.8 mg QE/g, and anthocyanin 1.43 mg/g. The antioxidant property was high in freeze dried powder.
Conclusion: Syzygium cumini is an underutilized fruit which is available plenty in India. It has an abundant amount of antioxidant and nutritional
properties which can be a high potent in pharmaceutical.
Keywords: Syzygium cumini, Flavonoids, Total phenol, Anthocyanin, Antioxidant activity.


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How to Cite

Jebitta S, R., and J. Allwin S. “ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY, TOTAL PHENOL, FLAVONOID, AND ANTHOCYANIN CONTENTS OF JAMUN (SYZYGIUM CUMINI) PULP POWDER”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 2, Mar. 2016, pp. 361-3,



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