
  • Beula Rani Kr Sathyam College of Engineering & Technology, Sathyam Nagar Aralvaimozhi, Tamil Nadu – 629 301
  • Sundar Sk Research Department of Microbiology, M.R. Govt. Arts College, Mannargudi, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu – 641 014
  • Murugan M Centre for Biological Science, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumracoil-629180, Tamil Nadu


Objective: The study was undertaken to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and phytochemical constituents of the medicinal plant Alpinia galanga.
Methods: The plant samples were collected from the places of Mandaikadu, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India. Plant extracts were prepared
from the dried leaf powder using different solvents include acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethanol, and distilled water. Initially, antimicrobial
activities of the plant extracts were tested by agar well diffusion method against four bacterial, viz., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Bacillus
cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus and two fungal pathogens, viz., Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum. Further, the plant extracts were
screened for phytochemical constituents by standard protocols.
Results: In this study, the entire bacterial pathogens have inhibited by acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, and ethanol extracts. In phytochemical
screening tests, the plant extracts showed positive results for carbohydrates, amino acid, chloride, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, and terpenoids.
Conclusion: This study reveals the continuation of antimicrobial components in the medicinal plant A. galanga.
Keywords: Alpinia galanga, Phytochemical, Antimicrobial activity and plant extracts.


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How to Cite

Kr, B. R., S. Sk, and M. M. “ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF MEDICINAL PLANT ALPINIA GALANGA”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 3, May 2016, pp. 364-6,



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