
  • Irda Fidrianny School of Pharmacy Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Kevin .
  • Rika Hartati


Objectives: The aim of this research were to determine antioxidant activity from various fruit extracts of chayote from three different sites using two
antioxidant methods which were 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and phosphomolybdenum methods, correlation of total phenolic, flavonoid,
and carotenoid content in various extracts of chayote with their IC
of DPPH antioxidant activities and EC
of phosphomolybdenum capacity.
Methods: An extraction was carried out by reflux using various polarity solvents. The extracts were evaporated using rotary evaporator. Antioxidant
activities using DPPH and phosphomolybdenum assays, determination of total phenolic, flavonoid, and carotenoid content were conducted by
ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and its correlation with IC
Results: The lowest IC
of DPPH and EC
of phosphomolybdenum were analyzed by Pearson's method.
of DPPH scavenging activity was given by n-hexane fruit extract of chayote from Lembang (9.32 µg/ml), while the lowest EC

of phosphomolybdenum capacity was given by ethyl acetate fruit extract of chayote from Semarang (209.87 µg/ml). Ethyl acetate chayote fruit extract
from Malang gave the highest phenolic content and its n-hexane extract had the highest total flavonoid. There were negative and significant correlation
between total flavonoid content in all of the chayote fruit extracts from three different sites with their IC
of DPPH and EC
Conclusions: N-hexane chayote fruit extract from Lembang and Semarang and ethyl acetate chayote fruit extract from Semarang were categorized
as a very strong antioxidant by DPPH method. Flavonoid compounds in all of the chayote fruit extracts from three different locations were the major
contributor in their antioxidant activities by DPPH and phosphomolybdenum methods. All of the chayote fruit extracts from Lembang, Semarang, and
Malang had a linear result in DPPH and phosphomolybdenum assays.
Keywords: Antioxidant, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, Phosphomolybdenum, Chayote, Fruit, Different sites.

of phosphomolybdenum.



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How to Cite

Fidrianny, I., K. ., and R. Hartati. “EVALUATION OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF FRUIT EXTRACTS OF CHAYOTE (SECHIUM EDULE [JACQ.] SWARTZ) GROWN IN DIFFERENT SITES IN JAVA - INDONESIA”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 4, July 2016, pp. 270-5, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/12127.



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