
  • Hanaa H Ahmed
  • Amal H Hamza
  • Soheir E Kotob Researcher, Hormones dept., medical research division, national research centre, egypt


Objective: The current study aimed to investigate the effect of corn silk extracts (aqueous and methanolic) against obesity in an animal model.
Methods: Animals were fed high-cholesterol diet (HCD) for 12 W to induce obesity and then treated either with Orlistat, corn silk extracts (aqueous and
methanolic) for 6 W. Anthropometric measurements (abdominal circumference [AC], thoracic circumference [TC], and body mass index [BMI]) were
recorded. Biochemical parameters including lipid profile (serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and
lipase), glucose, insulin, and homeostasis model assessment of basal insulin resistance were assayed. Inflammatory cytokines visfatin, haptoglobin
(Hp), afamin, endothelin-1, calprotectin, and protein S100B levels were quantified.
Results: Significant decrease in TC, AC, and BMI was detected in HCD-fed groups treated with corn silk extracts with respect to HCD-fed group.
Biochemical analyses indicated marked hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects of corn silk extracts. Treatment of HCD-fed groups with corn silk
extracts experienced significant regression of visfatin, Hp, endothelin-1, calprotectin, and protein S100B levels relative to HCD-fed group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the current findings revealed the antiobesity potential of corn silk extracts. This effect may be attributed to its hypolipidemic,
hypoglycemic, and anti-inflammatory properties of the active phytochemicals present in the extracts.
Keywords: Obesity, Corn silk, Insulin resistance, Hyperlipidemia, Inflammation, Rodents.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, H. H., A. H. Hamza, and S. E. Kotob. “CORN SILK OFFERS MULTIMECHANISTIC APPROACHES IN MITIGATING OBESITY IN RODENTS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 4, July 2016, pp. 292-8,



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