
  • R Thaniarasu Bharathidasan University
  • T Senthil Kumar Bharathidasan University
  • M. N Abubacker National College, Bharathidasan University
  • M. V Rao Bharathidasan University


Objective: The aim was to investigate the antibacterial activity of Plectranthus bourneae Gamble (Lamiaceae) using different solvents.
Methods: Petroleum ether, chloroform, acetone, ethanol and aqueous leaves extracts at different concentration (25, 50, 75, 100 μg/ml) were
evaluated for antibacterial activity using disc diffusion method against some Gram-positive species namely Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium sporogenes,
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus mitis and Gram-negative species Salmonella typhi, Klebsilla pneumoniae, Entrobactor
aerogenes, Citrobactor freundii, Escherichia coli. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bacterial concentrations (MBC) were
determined by serial dilution method.
Results: The antibacterial activity results of ethanol extract (50 μg/ml) showed maximum zone of inhibition (26 mm) against S. aureus and MIC
value of 0.78 μg/ml and MBC of 1.56 μg/ml whereas aqueous extract was least effective on all the strains. The Gram-positive strains of S. aureus and
S. mutans were found to be the most sensitive and resistance on all the extracts. Except S. typhi, Gram-negative bacteria used were less inhibitory
effect to all the extracts.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that the ethanolic extracts of P. bourneae possess potential antibacterial activities against certain

Keywords: Plectranthus bourneae, Antibacterial activity, Disc diffusion method, Lamiaceae.


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Author Biographies

R Thaniarasu, Bharathidasan University

Department of Plant Science, Doctoral Research Student.

T Senthil Kumar, Bharathidasan University

Assistant Professor, Department of Industry University collabration.

M. N Abubacker, National College, Bharathidasan University

Associate professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology.

M. V Rao, Bharathidasan University

Honarary Professor, Department of Plant Science


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How to Cite

Thaniarasu, R., T. Senthil Kumar, M. N. Abubacker, and M. V. Rao. “PRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND EVALUATION OF ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF DIFFERENT SOLVENT EXTRACTS OF PLECTRANTHUS BOURNEAE GAMBLE (LAMIACEAE)”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 79-82,



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