


Objective : Eclipta alba (Asteraceae) is a traditional medicinal plant known as Bhringaraj.This plant  has been used for the treatment of a variety of diseases. The leaves of Eclipta alba showed antihyperglycemic activity. The roots of Eclipta alba were found effective in wound healing .

Methods : This study was undertaken to evaluate the possible antidepressant effect of  Eclipta alba leaf extract (EALE)  using Tail suspension test(TST) & Forced swim test (FST).  36 albino rats of either sex weighing between 20-25gm were randomly selected divided into 6 equal groups.  Group-I (control) received polyethyleneglycol (1ml/100gm),Group-II, III & IV received EALE in doses of 100,200,400 mg/kg orally (P.O.) respectively. Group V & VI (positive control) received Fluoxetine & Imipramine at doses of 20mg/kg & 15mg/kg p.o respectively.  Drug treatment was given for seven & fourteen successive days.  60 minutes after last dose of drug or standard the immobility period was recorded.

Results : EALE produced significant antidepressant like effect at dose of 200 & 400 mg/kg administered for 7 & 14 consecutive days as indicated by reduction in immobility times of mice in TST & FST (P<0.05). The efficacy of EALE at 200mg/kg was found to be comparable to that of Fluoxetine & Imipramine at doses of 20mg/kg & 15mg/kg. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that EALE possesses significant antidepressant activity compared to that of both Fluoxetine & Imipramine.


Eclipta alba , Forced swim test, Tail suspension test, Antidepressants, Immobolity time


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How to Cite

SWATI, M., J. MONALISA, and P. ABHISEK. “EVALUATION OF ANTIDEPRESSANT ACTIVITY OF ECLIPTA ALBA USING ANIMAL MODELS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 7, Aug. 2013, pp. 118-20, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/295.


