
  • Anaxee Barman
  • Shivaprakash S
  • Latha Diwakar
  • REDDY GC Vittal Mallya Scientific Redearch Foundation



Objective: The objective was to study the acute toxicity of (Z)-1-benzhydryl-4-cinnamylpiperazine derivatives (1a-c) using Swiss Albino mice.
Methods: The acute oral and dermal toxicity studies were carried out based on OECD guidelines by adopting fixed dosage method (the limit dose
is 2000 mg/kg body weight of test animal in case of dermal toxicity and 5000 mg/kg in oral toxicity). Toxicity and mortality rates were studied at
intervals of 6 hrs and 14 hrs after administration of test compounds for 14 days.
Results: (Z)-1-benzhydryl-4-cinnamyl piperazine derivatives (1a-c) at oral treatment of 5000 mg/kg BW and dermal toxicity study of 2000 mg/kg
BW did not show any pronounced toxicity indicating their potential use for therapeutic purposes.
Conclusion: All compounds 1a-c did not cause any mortality or changes in general behavior of the test animals at oral treatment of 5000 mg/kg BW
indicating no conspicuous toxicity at the highest dose administered.
Keywords: (Z)-1-benzhydryl-4-cinnamyl piperazine derivatives, Acute toxicity, Albino mice, Cinnarizine, Flunarizine.


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Author Biography

REDDY GC, Vittal Mallya Scientific Redearch Foundation

Research Co-ordinator


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OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals (No. 423) Acute Oral Toxicity-Acute Toxic Class Method [Adopted on 2011 Dec 17]. (b) OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals (No. 402) Acute Dermal Toxicity-Acute Toxic Class Method [Adopted on 2004 May 14]. (1st Version).



How to Cite

Barman, A., S. S, L. Diwakar, and R. . GC. “ACUTE TOXICITY STUDY OF (Z)-1-BENZHYDRYL-4- CINNAMYLPIPERAZINES IN SWISS ALBINO MICE”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 223-4,



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