
  • Evelyne Priya S Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology Loyola College (Autonomous), Chennai – 600 034, India
  • Ravindhran R


Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the pharmacognostical and histochemical characters of Phyla nodiflora L. (Verbenaceae)
an important medicinal plant.
Methods: Pharmacognostical characters such as macroscopic and anatomical characters of root, stem and leaf were studied. Physico-chemical
characteristics of crude drugs of aerial parts and root were determined. To localize various phytochemicals, histochemical studies were also
Results: Pharmacognostical studies helped in the identification and authentication of the plant material. Physico-chemical properties such
as water soluble extractive value (21.44±0.009% w/w), alcohol soluble extractive (13.39±0.03% w/w), total ash (20.85±0.09% w/w), loss on
drying (15.68±0.05% w/w) were calculated. Histochemical study indicated the presence of alkaloids, lignin, starch, proteins, lipids, phenolics, and
tannins in the plant parts examined.
Conclusion: This study revealed the pharmacognostical properties and characteristics of P. nodiflora, an important medicinal plant. The presence
of alkaloids, lignin, starch, proteins, lipids, phenolics, and tannins in the plant parts can be attributed to the cytotoxic, antimicrobial, antiviral, and
antifungal properties of P. nodiflora.

Keywords: Phyla nodiflora, Microscopy, Pharmacognosy, Stomatal index, Histochemistry.


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How to Cite

Priya S, E., and R. R. “PHARMACOGNOSTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF PHYLA NODIFLORA L. (VERBENACEAE): A VALUABLE MEDICINAL PLANT”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 3, May 2015, pp. 256-61,



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