
  • KUMAR SAI SAILESH Little Flower Medical Research centre
  • Archana R Professor, Dept of physiology, Saveetha Medical College, Thandalam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
  • Mukkadan JK Professor & Research Director, Little Flower Medical Research Centre (LFMRC), Angamaly, Kerala, India.


Objective: The present study was aimed to assess the role of vestibular stimulation in the management of diabetes care.
Methods: We carried out the present study in 83-year-old man with 20 years history of Type 2 diabetes. Controlled vestibular stimulation was
achieved by swinging on a swing (back to front direction). Blood Pressure and Blood glucose levels were measured by standard methods.
Results: Fasting blood glucose and blood pressure levels came down significantly after controlled vestibular stimulation.
Conclusion: The present study confirmed the useful role of vestibular stimulation in the control of diabetes mellitus. We recommend a further
detailed study to elucidate the therapeutic value of controlled vestibular stimulation in diabetes care.
Keywords: Controlled vestibular stimulation, Diabetes care, Physiological intervention.


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Author Biography

KUMAR SAI SAILESH, Little Flower Medical Research centre

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How to Cite

SAILESH, K. S., A. R, and M. JK. “CONTROLLED VESTIBULAR STIMULATION: PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERVENTION IN DIABETES CARE”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 4, July 2015, pp. 315-8,



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