
  • NIMISHA Asstt Prof II, Amity University uttar pradesh, lucknow


Objective: The objective of present research work is develop an ethosome as a carrier system for 75% ethanolic SBT leaf extract, its incorporation
in to gel formulations and to characterize the prepared is to develop ethosomes and gel formulations using various parameters including estimation
of total phenol content in terms of Gallic Acid Equivalents (GAE). Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoids. SBT) is a cold desert medicinal plant, and has
high antioxidant content, especially phenol content. There are many reports revealing pharmacological potential of SBT extracts, however, only few
literature reports highlight the conversion of these extract in to suitable dosage.

Methods: Twelve batches (F1 – F12) of ethosomes were prepared using Soyaphosphatidylcholine (SPC) (1-3%) and ethanol (10-40%). Carbopol
934P was used to prepare ethosomal gel. The range of entrapment efficiency (EE) of ethosomes was 51.05%-91.09%, polydispersity index (PDI)
ranges between 0.041-0.392 and vesicle size from 96.98 nm to 395 nm. Four ethosomal batches were selected on the basis of EE and PDI to be used for
further incorporation in to 4 gel formulations (G1, G2, G3 & G4, respectively). Prepared gels were then evaluated for their physicochemical properties,
drug content and diffusion characteristics.

Results: The pH of the gel formulations was found to be in the range of 6.2 to 6.6. Viscosities of the gels were ranging between 4900 - 4550 centipoises.
The drug content of the gels ranged between 46.47% - 82.47%. The cumulative release of ethosomal gel was maximum in G4 formulation (94.34%)
and minimum in G1 (70.75%). These ethosomes, when converted in to gels, were found to show good physicochemical properties, drug content and
diffusion pattern.

Conclusion: The present study revealed ethosomal gel as an efficient carrier for herbal extract.
Keywords: Ethanol, Hippophae rhamnoides, Soyaphosphatidylcholine, Total phenol content.


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Author Biographies

NIMISHA, Asstt Prof II, Amity University uttar pradesh, lucknow

Asstt Prof II,  Amity institute of pharmacy, Amity University uttar pradesh, lucknow


Asstt Prof II,  Amity institute of pharmacy, Amity University uttar pradesh, lucknow


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How to Cite

NIMISHA, K. SRIVASTAVA, and A. K. SINGH. “FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF SEABUCKTHORN LEAF EXTRACT LOADED ETHOSOMAL GEL”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 5, Sept. 2015, pp. 316-9,



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