
  • JALPA RAM Department of Biosciences,Saurashtra University
  • POOJA MOTERIYA Department of Biosciences,Saurashtra University
  • SUMITRA CHANDA Department of Biosciences,Saurashtra University


Objective: To study the inhibitory effect of decoction extracts of some medicinal plants on the crystallization of calcium oxalate.
Methods: The extraction was done by decoction method and in-vitro anti-urolithiatic activity was evaluated by the turbidometric method.
Results: Terminalia species could be a promising source for curing urinary stone disease.
Conclusion: Further, these in-vitro results should be confirmed by in-vivo studies to develop a potent antilithiatic agent from these plant species.
Keywords: Terminalia species, Medicinal plants, Anti-urolithiatic activity, Nucleation, Calcium oxalate crystallization, Microscopy.


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Author Biographies

POOJA MOTERIYA, Department of Biosciences,Saurashtra University

Ph.D. scholar

SUMITRA CHANDA, Department of Biosciences,Saurashtra University




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How to Cite

JALPA RAM, POOJA MOTERIYA, and SUMITRA CHANDA. “EFFECT OF DECOCTION EXTRACTS OF SOME MEDICINAL PLANTS ON CALCIUM OXALATE CRYSTALLIZATION”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 4, July 2016, pp. 70-76, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/9380.



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