
  • AZIZAH NASUTION Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sumatera Utara


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the antihypertensive utilization and drug therapy problems (DTPs) in the treatment of patients with
Methods: This prospective analytical study used a self-determined questionnaire to collect 2-month period data of hypertensive patients (n=107)
admitted to four primary health centers in Medan (Medan Deli, Helvetia, Glugur Darat, and Teladan). Inclusion criteria were patients diagnosed
with hypertension, age ≥18 years, and under treatment of antihypertensive drugs. Data collected include gender, age, education, the administered
antihypertensive drugs, and DTPs. Characteristics of the patients were descriptively analyzed. DTPs were identified based on strand classification
system and trustable literature. All analyzes were performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 19, Chicago, IL, USA)
(p<0.05 was considered significant).
Results: Characteristics of the patients: Male, 25.2%; female, 74.8%; mean age, 61.6±10.3 (years). Education: Primary school, 25.2%; junior high
school, 17.8%; senior high school, 43.9%; university, 13.1%. The most frequently provided antihypertensive drugs were amlodipine (47.7%) and
captopril (22.4%). Overall, there were 66 DTPs experienced by 45.8% of the patients. Patients experienced: 1 DTP, 75.5%; 2 DTPs, 18.3%; 3 DTPs,
2.1%; 4 DTPs, 4.1%. There was no significant association between the patients' education and DTPs, p=0.88. The most frequently occurred DTP (47%)
was indication without drug therapy in which patients with hypertension Stage 2 only received single antihypertensive drugs mostly was captopril.
Conclusion: The most frequently provided antihypertensive drug was captopril. DTPs in the management of hypertensive patients are still high in
primary health centers in Medan and need to be resolved.
Keywords: Hypertension, Drug therapy problems, Strand classification.


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Author Biography

AZIZAH NASUTION, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sumatera Utara

Department of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology



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How to Cite

NASUTION, A. ., KHAIRUNNISA, and H. R. . TANJUNG. “DRUG THERAPY PROBLEMS IN MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSIVE OUTPATIENTS ADMITTED TO FOUR INDONESIAN PRIMARY HEALTH CENTERS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 87-90, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/9551.



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