
  • Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-ezzy Department of pathology,College of Veterinary medicine,Diyala University,Iraq


Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of acute TORCH infection [Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus; cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes
simplex virus 2 (HSV2)] and Chlamydia trachomatis on semen parameters and fertility hormones; follicular stimulating hormone (FSH); luteinizing
hormone (LH); prolactin; progesterone; testosterone among infertile males.
Methods: Serum and semen samples collected from (155) infertile males. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test used to determine TORCH and
C. trachomatis immunoglobulin M (IgM), FSH, LH, prolactin; progesterone; testosterone among infertile males. Standard world health organization
protocol used to perform semen analysis.
Results: A significant correlation between age group and CMV - IgM, HSV2 - IgM positivity (p=0.05 and 0.024). Type of infertility inversely
correlated with T. gondii - IgM positivity (p=0.039) and positively correlated with Rubella - IgM (p=0.021). Significant correlation of T. gondii - CMV
co-infection (p=0.048); T. gondii - Rubella co-infection (p=0.007); T. gondii - C. trachomatis co-infection (p=0.001). Significant correlation between
semen parameters and TORCH positivity testosterone level significantly correlated with T. gondii - IgM; Rubella - IgM. Inverse significant correlation
between C. trachomatis - IgM and FSH level. Significant correlations between TORCH - IgM positivity, semen parameters and hormones were following
T. gondii, CMV, total sperm count and LH. T. gondii, Rubella, active motility and LH. T. gondii, total sperm count and prolactin. CMV, HSV2, C. trachomatis
trachomatis, active sperm motility and progesterone. Rubella, sluggish motility and LH level. T. gondii; Rubella, sperm dead % and LH. T. gondii; sluggish
motility and FSH. T. gondii; CMV; sluggish motility and FSH. T. gondii, sluggish motility and prolactin.HSV2, sluggish motility and progesterone level. T.
gondii, CMV, HSV2, sperm dead % and progesterone. Sluggish motility, T. gondii, C. trachomatis, HSV2 and testosterone. T. gondii, C. trachomatis, sperm
dead % and testosterone. C. trachomatis, HSV2; normal sperm morphology and LH. T. gondii, normal sperm morphology and prolactin level. HSV2,
normal sperm morphology and testosterone. T. gondii, abnormal sperm morphology and prolactin. C. trachomatis, abnormal sperm morphology and LH.
Conclusions: A current study proved several important and outstanding results about the role of TORCH agent and C. trachomatis in male infertility.
TORCH agent and C. trachomatis have direct effects on sperm parameters. T. gondii and Rubella have a direct effect on testosterone levels; C. trachomatis
has direct effect on FSH among infertile males. TORCH agent plays a vital role in hormonal disturbances that lead to sperm abnormalities and
subsequently to infertility problem.
Keywords: TORCH, Chlamydia trachomatis, Semen parameters, Fertility hormones.


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Author Biography

Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-ezzy, Department of pathology,College of Veterinary medicine,Diyala University,Iraq

Department of pathology,College of Veterinary medicine,Diyala University,Iraq



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How to Cite

Al-ezzy, A. I. A. “EFFECT OF TORCH AGENTS AND CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS ON REPRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS AND FERTILITY HORMONES OF IRAQI INFERTILE MALES”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 3, May 2016, pp. 47-56, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/9645.



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