Periodontal disease, Tetracycline, Hydrogel, Chitosan, CollagenAbstract
Objective: The primary treatments for periodontal disease are scaling and Root Surface Debridement (SRSD), which involves eliminating bacteria plaque and achieving a smooth root surface area. Tetracycline helps increase attachment and enhances the regeneration of alveolar bone and tissue. Chitosan is an adequate system for local drug preparation in periodontal pockets. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of chitosan tetracycline hydrogel in pocket depth and collagen density in periodontal ligaments in animal models.
Methods: Three groups of Wistar rats were categorized. The first group treatment was SRSD with tetracycline 0.7% based chitosan hydrogel for seven days; the second group was SRSD with an application of tetracycline 0.7% based chitosan hydrogel on the first day, and the third group treatment was SRSD only. After treatment, pocket depth was evaluated at the baseline and on the 14th day, along with the examination of collagen tissue density in the periodontal ligament, which appeared as blue fibers with Masson’s trichrome staining, was seen and compared to other groups.
Results: The most significant change in the pocket depth was observed in this study, along with improved collagen tissue density, was found in the group of SRSD with an application of tetracycline 0.7% based chitosan hydrogel for seven days, and this result was statistically significant (p<0.05) compared to other groups.
Conclusion: Tetracycline 0.7% based chitosan hydrogel for seven days shows a better result in decreasing pocket depth and increasing collagen tissue density in periodontal ligaments.
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