Binahong leaves extract, Fibroblast, Socket wound healingAbstract
Objective: To observe the effect of 3% binahong leaves extract gel on wound healing of socket post tooth extraction.
Methods: Twenty-four wistar strain white rats (Rattus novergicus) were used in this experimental laboratory work, and the 3% extract gel of binahong plants was created from scratch in the Pharmacognition Laboratory. A 3% gel made from the extract of binahong leaves was made in the Pharmacognition Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. The gel was applied twice a day, in the morning and the evening, to the socket wounds using a bent needle irrigation tip. Each rat were subjected to dental extraction of the mandibular left incisor and divided into three different groups; the negative control group, positive control group, and the treatment group with each of the socket group observed every three and seven days and the cells were colored using Hematoxilin-Eosin method. Following data collection, the SPSS Statistics program was used to analyze the data.
Results: Clinically, socket wounds were visibly smaller whereas microscopically the distance of the wound edges greatly reduced in both groups. Histologically fibroblast proliferation increased after application of binahong extract, but there was no significant difference on the 3rd and 7th d after extraction.
Conclusion: Application of binahong leaf extract gel in the socket following tooth extraction, the binahong 3% extract gel contributes to the acceleration of fibroblast proliferation.
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