Plants used for treatment of diarrhea: an Ayurvedic prospective


  • Mishra ASHISH Banaras Hindu University
  • SHARMA VINIT Banaras Hindu University
  • HEM KRITIKA Banaras Hindu University
  • MAURYA SANTOSH KUMAR Banaras Hindu University


Relevance: In developing countries, diarrhoea becomes a major health problem leading to morbidity and mortality in rural communities. In the present article we have tried to enumerate simple and single herbal remedies helpful in curing diarrhea.

Materials and methods: literature survey was conducted with help of several important Ayurvedic text to collect information on plants used for treating diarrhoea.

Results and conclusions: 140 single herbal preparations were reported in the present article. The study has supplied information on many medicinal plants and their method of uses. Such simple preparations may helps to the traditional healers in management of diarrhoea in initial stage. Moreover, these user friendly methodologies may contribute in initiation of advance investigation for discovery of new compounds and formulation from these potential plants.

Author Biography

MAURYA SANTOSH KUMAR, Banaras Hindu University

Dr. Santosh Kumar Maurya

Assistant Proffesor Dravyaguna

Faculty of Ayurveda

Rajiv Gandhi South Campus

Banaras Hindu University;

Barkaccha Mirzapur Up.


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How to Cite

ASHISH, M., VINIT, S., KRITIKA, H., & KUMAR, M. S. (2015). Plants used for treatment of diarrhea: an Ayurvedic prospective. Innovare Journal of Ayurvedic Sciences, 3(1), 1–6. Retrieved from



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