
  • CHATURVEDI SONAL Ch. Brahm Prakash ayurved Charak Sansthan , Khera Dabar Govt Of NCT Delhi , I.P. University Delhi.


Ayurveda says that blood vitiated by vata ,pitta and khapha should be removed from the body, by using sringa (horn of animal),jaloka (leechs),and alabu(pitcher guard) respectively.Blood vitiated by all the doshas by using all these things,for removal of more blood using either horn ,leeches ,or pitcher guard is especially suitable.here we discussed about sringa and alabu chikitsha. Shring and Alabu Therapy can be coreleted with cupping therapy which is a modified form of  shring and alabu therapy.cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine  in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction.

Key Word-Shinga ,Alabu,Cupping .

Author Biography

CHATURVEDI SONAL, Ch. Brahm Prakash ayurved Charak Sansthan , Khera Dabar Govt Of NCT Delhi , I.P. University Delhi.

department of Panchkarma

Assistant Professor  



Illustated Susruta Samhita (Text, English Translation,Notes,Appendeces and Index) VOL.1- Sutra Sthana , Jalaukavacharan Adhyaya 13/4 Edited by Prof.K.R.Srikant Murthy Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanassi Reprint Edition 2012 , pg.no.78.

Illustated Susruta Samhita (Text, English Translation,Notes,Appendeces and Index) VOL.1- Sutra Sthana , Jalaukavacharan Adhyaya 13/5 Edited by Prof.K.R.Srikant Murthy Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanassi Reprint Edition 2012 , pg.no.79

Illustated Susruta Samhita (Text, English Translation,Notes,Appendeces and Index) VOL.1- Sutra Sthana , Jalaukavacharan Adhyaya 13/7 Edited by Prof.K.R.Srikant Murthy Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanassi Reprint Edition 2012 , pg.no.79

Astang Hridayam –Vidhoyotini-Bhasha Tika-Commented by Kaviraj Atridev Gupta,Edited by Vaidya Yadonandan Upadhyaya, Chaukhamba Publication Varanasi Reprint Edition 2009. Sutra Sthana , Yantra Vidhimadhayaya 2526 pg.192

Astang Hridayam –Vidhoyotini-Bhasha Tika-Commented by Kaviraj Atridev Gupta,Edited by Vaidya Yadonandan Upadhyaya, Chaukhamba Publication Varanasi Reprint Edition 2009. Sutra Sthana , Yantra Vidhimadhayaya 2527 pg.192

Illustated Susruta Samhita (Text, English Translation,Notes,Appendeces and Index) VOL.1- Sutra Sthana , Jalaukavacharan Adhyaya 13/8 Edited by Prof.K.R.Srikant Murthy Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanassi Reprint Edition 2012 , pg.no.79

wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupping_therapy‎, browsed on 15:12:2013 , 05:16:17 browsed on 10:12:2013 , 05:16:17

www.indianetzone.com › Health › Ayurveda › Treatment in Ayurveda , browsed on 19:12:2013 , 05:16:17

www.webmed.com/balance/guide/cupping-therapy. browsed on 20:12:2013 , 05:16:17

http://www.pacificcollege.edu/acupuncture-massage-news/om-essay-contest/omessay,contest/1084-the-magic-of-cupping-therapy-by-serra-reid-lac-diplom-.html#sthash.qI7bvV20.dpuf, browsed on 24:12:2013 , 05:16:17



How to Cite

SONAL, C., & PANKAJ, K. (2014). RIVIEW OF SHRINGA , ALABY AND CUPPOING THERAPY. Innovare Journal of Ayurvedic Sciences, 2(2), 1–2. Retrieved from https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijas/article/view/922


