
  • Lorenzo Martini Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, University of Siena
  • Alessandro Valle The Primelement Ltd, Gravesend, UK


Infective arthritis, Tara gum, Lequesne`s questionnaire, Venous lymphoedema


Objective: Aims of our study is to face and trying to struggle a very interesting case of a syndrome where the causes and contributory causes are differentiated although they synergistically do evoke a severe and hazardous medical profile which may lead to complete infirmity and destructive complications, if not promptly corrected and healed. The case is represented by a middle age individual (male), obese, which presents the two following malaises:  infective arthritis and venous lymphedema chiefly at his ankles, that are swollen because of an acute infective phase, and we actually deem the individual is affected by the co-existence of infective arthritis and venous lymphoedema, owing to the scores recorded by the Lequesne's test.

Methods: We have employed a fully natural gélée containing Ruscus aculeatus root extract, Achillea millefolium alcoholic extract and Centella Asiatica glyceric extract. The gélée was made up by crosslinked Tara gum, that is capable of releasing the biologic principles contained in the cosmetic system gradually.

Results: We are really satisfied by the encouraging results, as this severe syndrome, that did not achieve evident  rescue by any medician, surgeon or physician, appears to regress promptly in 11 days after the first application and this is the umpteenth confirmation that Natural Medicine is often more reliable than the Official Allopathic Medicine.

Conclusion: We are really satisfied by the encouraging results, as this severe syndrome that did not achieve evident  rescue by any medician, surgeon or physician appears to regress promptly in 11 days after the first application and this is the umpteenth confirmation that Natural Medicine is often more reliable than the Official Allopathic Medicine.


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How to Cite

Martini, L., and A. Valle. “A PHYTOTHERAPEUTIC APPROACH TO A DUPLEX SYNDROME: INFECTIVE ARTHRITIS+VENOUS LYMPHOEDEMA IN AN OBESE MIDDLE AGE MAN”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 34-35, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijcpr/article/view/10600.



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