
  • Merli Maman PG and Resarch Department of Biotechnology, Women’s Christian College, Chennai 600006, Tamilnadu, India
  • Anchana Devi PG and Resarch Department of Biotechnology, Women’s Christian College, Chennai 600006, Tamilnadu, India
  • Priya Iyer PG and Resarch Department of Biotechnology, Women's Christian College, Chennai 600006, Tamilnadu, India
  • Anita R. j. Singh PG and Resarch Department of Biotechnology, Women's Christian College, Chennai 600006, Tamilnadu, India
  • Preethi Jeyakumar PG and Resarch Department of Biotechnology, Women's Christian College, Chennai 600006, Tamilnadu, India


Saraca asoca, Ethanol, Chloroform, Petroleum ether, Ethyl acetate, Antimicrobial activity


Objective: Saraca asoca which is also called Saraca indica is the ancient tree of the family Caesalpinaceae. This tree is considered as the first in medicinal values since the Buddist period. Ashoka is traditionally used in the treatment of excessive uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhoea and depression in women. It is also used to treat inflammation, indigestion and also abnormal vaginal discharge. It is found to have antimicrobial, anticancer, antimenorrhagic, anti oxytocic activities. The study focuses on to isolate and characterizes the bioactive compounds from the leaves of Saraca asoca by cold extraction method.

Methods: The crude extracts of ethanol, petroleum ether, and aqueous extracts were spotted in TLC plate to fig. out the number of probable compounds in each extract. Column chromatography was performed to collect purified fractions. Phytochemical screening of crude samples were tested, the presence of flavonoids, steroids, tannins, alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, reducing sugars were identified. Antimicrobial activity of ethanol, petroleum ether fractions were tested using agar-well diffusion method, maximum activity was recorded in a concentration-dependent manner against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sp, Streptococcus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Proteus sp, Bacillus sp, Aspergillus sp and Candida sp.

Results: Among the total fractions obtained, few active fractions inhibited growth of organisms which would significantly serve as a potential source for new antimicrobial compounds. GCMS was performed to identify the potential compound to be Phytol exhibiting antimicrobial activity.

Conclusion: The antimicrobial activity of the bioactive compounds was tested against various microorganisms and the diameter of the zone obtained was calculated where the petroleum ether fractions exhibited good inhibition and ethanolic fractions does not have inhibitory activity.


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How to Cite

Maman, M., A. Devi, P. Iyer, A. R. j. Singh, and P. Jeyakumar. “ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUND FROM SARACA ASOCA”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 57-61,



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