
  • GAGANDEEP SINGH St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R. E. C), Jalandhar-Amritsar by Pass NH-1 Jalandhar 144011, Punjab, India
  • NARINDER SINGH St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R. E. C), Jalandhar-Amritsar by Pass NH-1 Jalandhar 144011, Punjab, India
  • AJEET PAL SINGH St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R. E. C), Jalandhar-Amritsar by Pass NH-1 Jalandhar 144011, Punjab, India
  • AMAR PAL SINGH St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R. E. C), Jalandhar-Amritsar by Pass NH-1 Jalandhar 144011, Punjab, India



Mmucormycosis, Types, Epidemiology, Taxonomy, Treatments


Mucormycosis is a new angioinvasive infection caused by the ubiquitous filamentous fungus of the Mucorales order of the Zygomycete class. Mucormycosis has emerged as the third most prevalent invasive mycosis in patients undergoing hematological and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, following candidiasis and aspergillosis. Sporangiospores must be inhaled on a daily basis. Members of the Mucorales are very infrequent in nasal mucus, indicating that spores in airway mucus are removed via mucociliary transport or that there is a minimal degree of airborne contamination.


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How to Cite

SINGH, G., N. SINGH, A. P. SINGH, and A. P. SINGH. “MUCORMYCOSI (BLACK FUNGUS): A REVIEW”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 13, no. 5, Sept. 2021, pp. 10-13, doi:10.22159/ijcpr.2021v13i5.1888.



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