
  • Omar H. El-garhy Department Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Minia University, Minia, Egypt


Human fungal infections, Azoles of interest, Different characteristics and development in the antifungal chemotherapy


In the last years, the risk of human fungal infections has been extensively increased with the increasing immune suppressed patients. Fortunately, the therapy of fungal infections has been undergone an explosive period of development. It was found that the use of currently available azoles in combination with other antifungals is likely to provide enhanced efficacy. But, several factors lead to therapeutic failure or relapse after the antifungal therapy. These factors are concerned with the different characteristics of the antifungal (s) used. Thus, specialists should be carefully investigated the different characteristics of antifungals to avoid these factors and further to use the antifungals optimally.

The present review discussed the different characteristics of the azoles of interest, to recognize the differences in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, spectrum of activity, safety, toxicity and potential drug interactions of these antifungal agents.

However, the present review explore that the azoles of interest are sufficiently diverse in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, spectrum of activity, safety, toxicity and potential drug interactions allowing specialists to differentiate among these agents based upon their characteristics when tailoring therapy to meet the needs of a particular patient. Moreover, further advances in antifungal chemotherapy will be necessary to improve management of invasive mycoses in the future.


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How to Cite

El-garhy, O. H. “AN OVERVIEW OF THE AZOLES OF INTEREST”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 1-6,



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