
  • CHAITHANYA K. J. Mallige College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru-560090, Karnataka, India
  • MAHALAXMI C. PATIL Mallige College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru-560090, Karnataka, India
  • MOUMITA BANERJEE Department of Pharmaceutics, Acharya B M Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru-560090, Karnataka, India
  • ASHVINI H. M. Department of Pharmaceutics, Mallige College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru-560090, Karnataka, India



Wound healing, Nanotechnology, Silver nanoparticles, Green synthesis, Ficus lacor


Objective: Since there is no evidence of silver nanoparticle preparation using the Ficus lacor plant, our present study was designed to synthesise silver nanoparticles using a Ficus lacor leaves extract, which was expected to show an enhanced wound healing activity with greater advantages of green synthesis.

Methods: In the present study, silver nanoparticles were prepared using Ficus lacor leaf extract and the prepared nanoparticles were characterised by Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy and Particle size analysis later a topical gel is prepared and its effectiveness was evaluated by using animal excision wound model.

Results: The study results showed that the Ficus lacor-based silver nanoparticle topical gel on an animal excision wound model exhibited almost similar wound healing activity in comparison with standard marketed product.

Conclusion: This study concluded that Ficus lacor-silver nanoparticle gel showed considerable improvement in the excision wound model and hence this can be a promising candidate in wound healing.


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How to Cite

K. J., C., M. C. PATIL, M. BANERJEE, and A. H. M. “PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FICUS LACOR METALLIC PARTICLES BASED NANOGEL FOR WOUND HEALING ACTIVITY”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 16, no. 1, Jan. 2024, pp. 50-55, doi:10.22159/ijcpr.2024v16i1.4016.



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