
  • D. Nagendrakumar College of Pharmacy, Humnabad 585330 (Karnataka)
  • Keshavshetti G. G. College of Pharmacy, Humnabad 585330 (Karnataka)
  • Pratibha Mogale College of Pharmacy, Humnabad 585330 (Karnataka)
  • Nanda Bhalke College of Pharmacy, Humnabad 585330 (Karnataka)


Ergotamine tartarate, Crospovidone, Croscarmallose sodium, Fast dissolving drug delivery


Objective: The main objective of this study was to formulate and evaluate the fast dissolving tablets of ergotamine tartarate with synthetic superdisintegrants.

Methods: Various formulations were prepared by direct compression method using different concentrations of crospovidone (12.5%-62.5%) and croscarmallose sodium (12.5%-62.5%) as superdisintegrants. Formulations were evaluated for precompressional parameters and postcompressional parameters like uniformity of weight, thickness, hardness, friability, drug content, wetting time, the water absorption ratio, in vitro disintegration time and in vitro dissolution study.

Results: Results revealed that among the 10 formulations, the formulation F5 containing 62.5% of crospovidone and formulation F10 containing 62.5% of croscarmallose sodium was found to be promising formulations. F5 shown disintegration time of 12 seconds and the drug release was up to 96% in 30 minutes and F10 shown disintegration time of 18 seconds and the drug release was up to 89% in 30 minutes.

Conclusion: From the result obtained, it can be concluded that formulation of fast dissolving tablet using crospovidone as a superdisintegrant showed improved disintegration and solubility and hence better patient compliance


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How to Cite

Nagendrakumar, D., K. G. G., P. Mogale, and N. Bhalke. “DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF FAST DISSOLVING TABLETS OF ERGOTAMINE TARTARATE”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 7, no. 2, Apr. 2015, pp. 101-4,



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