
  • ABDULAZEEZ Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Nigeria
  • A. D., OSUJI
  • E. C., DAHIRU
  • D



Management is faced with the task of motivating employee-consultants and creating high job satisfaction among them. Creating programs and policies that develop job satisfaction and serve to motivate employee-consultants takes time and money to create. When the management understands the benefits of job satisfaction and motivation in the workplace, then the investment in employee-related policies can be justified. The purpose of any motivation programme is to motivate the organization's employees to enable them work effectively. However, motivating employees is not an easy thing as what motivates employees differs among people. This paper is intended to establish management challenges in the motivation of Employee-Consultant in the Nigerian construction industry with a view to improving the motivation of employee-consultants. A calculated sample size of 108 construction and consultancy firms were randomly selected within Kaduna and Abuja metropolis. The research used the relative importance index (RII) to rank the challenges in order of importance. Amount of Fee paid (workers' wages) was identified to be the most significant factor that challenges the motivation of employee-consultants. Low availability of income generated was also identified as a major challenge. The research therefore suggest that management should seek other forms of motivating employee consultants such as New incentive schemes, such as flexible working hours, subsidies, loans and others, should be developed and implemented. Further research should be conducted to harness these important factors identified for the growth and development in the construction and consultancy firms.

Keywords: Employee-Consultant, Motivation, Nigerian, Construction Industry, challenges

Author Biography

ABDULAZEEZ, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Nigeria

Department of Building/ Senior Lecturer



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How to Cite

ABDULAZEEZ, A. D., OSUJI, E. C., DAHIRU, & D. (2016). EVALUATING MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN THE MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEE-CONSULTANTS IN THE NIGERIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. Innovare Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 1–5. Retrieved from https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijet/article/view/6846