SANKHAHOLI (( Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.)): A REVIEW


  • Qamar Alam Khan Faculty of medicine Jamia hamdard New Delhi


ABSTRACT: The Sankhaholi (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) of family  Convolvulaceae which is commonly known as sankhpushpi, in traditional system of medicine including Unani Medicine. It is a perennial herb with a small woody branched root stock which contains alkaloids: shankhapushpine and evolvine. Fresh plant of sankhholi contains volatile oil. It also contains a yellow neutral fat, an organic acid and saline substances. Therapeutic uses of Sankhaholi Evolvulus alsinoides Linn, mentioned in the Unani Medicine are Alexiteric (Mufarreh), Cardiac  tonic  (Muqawwi-e Qalb), Brain tonic  (Muqawwi-e Dimag), Digestive (Hazim)  Musaffi-e- Khoon (Blood purifier),General tonic (Muqawwi-e-am), Diuretic (Mudirr-e-Baul), Anti Inflammatory (Muhallil-e-waram), Hypoglycemic (Dafa-e-Ziabitus), Antihypertensive (Dafye Imtella). It is also used in headache, asthma, hyperlipidemia etc. The present article reviews the pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of Sankhaholi ( Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) present in Unani literature supported with the available clinical and animal studies.

Keywords: Sankhaholi Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. Sankhpushpi, Unani Medicine

Author Biography

Qamar Alam Khan, Faculty of medicine Jamia hamdard New Delhi

MD Scholar DeparmMoaliejat Faculty of Medicine Jamia Hamdard New Delhi



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How to Cite

Khan, Q. A., ASIM ALI KHAN, AZHAR JABEEN, & SHABNAM ANSARI. (2016). SANKHAHOLI (( Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.)): A REVIEW. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 4(3), 1–3. Retrieved from



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