Relationship between cigarette smoking and body mass index in the Italian population


  • Gioacchino De Candia


Objective: Tobacco smoke, as numerous studies have established, is due to some diseases related to the respiratory, cardio - circulatory and gastrointestinal systems. In addition, tobacco consumption is often associated with a decrease in weight, while former smokers often experience an increase in BMI. The purpose of this research is to test the behavior of body mass index in relation to a representative sample of the Italian population, covering the period 2004-2005. Design: Calculations were made using SPSS software. The data were stratified by age and gender, using odds ratio (OR) to determine the significance of smoking in relation to BMI. The OR was calculated both in a timely manner, both considering a confidence interval of 95%. Material and methods: In this research, we will analyze the variable BMIâ€, in relation to the variable tobacco smokeâ€, derived from the multipurpose ISTAT called Condizione di salute e ricorso ai servizi sanitari. The sample was stratified by age, 18 years and over, and gender. Results: The analysis shows that in 2005, 10% of the Italian population results in overweight, while 22% said they smoke; 23% of female smokers claiming to be underweight, while for the former smokers the value drops to 10%. For males, the difference in BMI between smokers and former smokers is minimal. The OR shows that weight gain among former smokers and smokers is actually due to custom/cessation from tobacco smoke. Conclusion: The structure of BMI in relation to smoking has confirmed the existence emerged in the literature, so that those who quit smoking reflects an increase in weight. However, the results highlighted by some foreign studies, which propose an increase in obesity among former smokers, is not confirmed in the Italian population.

Keywords: body mass index; smoking; odds ratio.


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How to Cite

De Candia, G. (2015). Relationship between cigarette smoking and body mass index in the Italian population. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 3(1), 1–4. Retrieved from



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