Artificial Intelligence (AI) Towards Students’ Academic Performance


  • Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin Faculty of Languages and Literature, Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines



artificial intelligence, students’ academic performance, motivation, learning mechanism, study habits


The study examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on students’ academic performance, focusing on factors such as improved student performance, attitudes toward learning, motivation for study habits, and learning mechanisms. Further, it aims to evaluate and analyze how AI enhances student academic outcomes. A mixed-methods approach, incorporating focus group discussions (FGD), was used to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Random sampling was employed to select a sample size of 100 respondents based on predefined criteria. The results indicate that AI effectively targets the specific learning needs of students, facilitating comprehensive and improved learning experiences. It identifies struggling learners and provides necessary interventions and support to enhance their academic performance.

Additionally, AI accurately measures and enhances students’ attitudes toward learning, offering deeper insights into the learning process. It also boosts students’ motivation toward study habits and learning behavior. Furthermore, AI’s adaptive learning mechanisms guide students’ learning processes and provide valuable feedback.


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How to Cite

Mallillin, L. L. D. (2024). Artificial Intelligence (AI) Towards Students’ Academic Performance. Innovare Journal of Education, 12(4), 16–21.



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