
  • Taepin Junmahasathien
  • Sakornrat Khongkhunthien
  • Siriporn Okonogi Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand


Objective: The present study was to prepare and characterize the chemically modified rice from the colored rice grains as a gelling agent for buccal gel preparation.

Methods: The colored rice grains from two different varieties, Homnil (HN) and Kum-Doisket (KD), were compared. The chemically modified rice was prepared by etherification. The obtained modified samples were investigated for their solid structure using scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractometer. The solubility and swelling property in water were also investigated. Rice gel bases and drug loading gels were prepared by hydration and levigation methods, respectively. The obtained gels were evaluated for rheological, adhesive, and drug release properties.

Results: The HN and KD rice varieties yielded modified rice powders with different morphology, crystallinity, aqueous solubility, and swelling characteristics. The amylose content in different rice variety significantly affected the internal crystalline structure of the rice powders and adhesive as well as rheological properties of the respectively derived gels. Rheological behavior of the colored rice gels was pseudoplastic non-Newtonian flow. The drug release property of HN and KD gels was influenced by swelling property of the gel base. Different gel properties reflected the different rice varieties used for gel preparation.

Conclusion: The variety of rice can affect the properties of the gelling agent from colored rice grains. The chemical modified colored rice grain can be feasible to be the good gelling agents in Pharmaceutical buccal gel preparation.

Keyword: Rice variety, Rice gel, buccal gel, Amylose content, Carbamide peroxide


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How to Cite

Junmahasathien, T., S. Khongkhunthien, and S. Okonogi. “PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MODIFIED COLORED RICE AS A GELLING CARRIER FOR BUCCAL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 2016, pp. 124-30,



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