
  • Shital K. Sharma Lab no. 106, Plant Secondary Metabolite Lab, Department of Biotechnology, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati 444602 (M.S.), India
  • Anita S. Patil Lab no.106, Plant Secondary Metabolite Lab, Department of Biotechnology, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati 444602 (M. S.), India
  • R. L. S. Sikarwar Arogyadham, (J. R. D. Tata Foundation for Research in AyurvedaandYoga Sciences), Deendayal Research Institute, Chitrakoot, Distt-Satna (M. P.), India


Alectra chitrakutensis, physico and phytochemical anlysis, HPTLC, endangered plant


Objective: Alectra chitrakutensis (M. A. Rau) R. Prasad & R. D. Dixit is a critically endangered and ethnobotanically very important plant. Official drug i.e. dried rhizome of the plant has been reported to be used for treatment of leprosy, tuberculosis, paralysis, oedematous swelling, fevers, intestinal worms and constipation. Besides having high medicinal properties, detail studies on chemical constituents present in the rhizome of this particular species have not been done so far. Thus, in present study efforts were made for evaluation of phytochemical as well as physicochemical analysis of the rhizome collected from six different places of the Chitrakoot region of Madhya Pradesh (M. P.) and Uttar Pradesh (U. P.).

Methods: Phytochemical analysis of the rhizome was carried out as per standard protocol given in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API). Separation and qualitative phytochemical screening were done by using an advance technique of High-performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC).

Results: The study revealed the presence of alkaloids, steroids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, carbohydrates, starch, saponin, tannins, etc. in the rhizome of the plants, and the study confirmed the chemotaxonomic resemblance among all the collected plant materials.

Conclusion: Comparative study of six rhizome samples of A. Chitrakutensis provides authenticity for establishing Pharmacopoeial standardization of drug and evidence of the study proves the chemotaxonomic similarities of official drug.

Keywords: Alectra chitrakutensis, Endangered plant, Quality control, Physicochemical, Phytochemical analysis, HPTLC


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How to Cite

Sharma, S. K., A. S. Patil, and R. L. S. Sikarwar. “COMPARATIVE PHYTOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF ETHNOBOTANICALLY IMPORTANT MEDICINAL PARASITIC HERB: ALECTRA CHITRAKUTENSIS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 351-5,



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