
  • Shibnath Kamila Research Scholar, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
  • N. V. Satheesh Madhav
  • C. N. Sarkar


Learning and memory, Convolulus pluricaulis, Phyllanthus Emblica, Withania somnifera, Habiscus rosasinnsis, Terminalia arjuna


Objective: The present study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the poly photo formulation for its learning and memory activity.

Methods: The Indian origin test drug, FM7 phyto formulation compose of Convolulus pluricaulis, Habiscus rosasinnsis, Withania somnifera, Terminalia arjuna and Emblica officinalis, having the potential effect to improving memory studied at a dose of 50 mg and 100 mg/kg p. o. by using three different animal model like Elevated plus maze (EPM), Morris water maze (MWM) and Pole Climbing apparatus (PCA) for the effect of nootropic action; against standard drug Bacopa monnieri evaluated on the basis of transfer latency reduction on a rat, before and after drug administration.

Results: On treatment with polyherbal formulation FM7 showed a significant effect on enhancing learning and memory properties. It was observed that significant (p<0.001) reduction in transfer latency in Elevated Plus Maze, Morris Water Maze test and escape latency in Pole Climbing Apparatus test as compared with the control; as well as standard Bacopa monnieri.

Conclusion: The polyphyto formulation FM7 composed of (Convolulus pluricaulis 20%, Habiscus rosasinnsis 20%, Withania somnifera 20%, Terminalia arjuna 20% and Emblica officinalis 20%) found to be safe and effective in enhancing learning and memory properties.

Keywords: Learning and memory, Convolulus pluricaulis, Phyllanthus Emblica, Withania somnifera, Habiscus rosasinnsis, Terminalia arjuna



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How to Cite

Kamila, S., N. V. S. Madhav, and C. N. Sarkar. “SAFETY AND EFFICACY STUDY OF HERBAL POLYPHYTO FORMULATIONS: FOR ITS LEARNING AND MEMORY ENHANCING PROPERTIES”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 7, July 2016, pp. 119-23,



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