
  • Hussein Kadhem Al-hakeim Professor in Medical Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kufa University, Iraq
  • Iman Muhammed Jebur
  • Rafie Shakir Alkhafaji


Keywords, In vitro fertilization, Estradiol, Anti-zonapellucida antibodies


Objective: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the several assisted reproductive technologies (ART) used to aid infertile couples to conceive a child. Many factors affecting the rate of success of IVF cycle. The aim of the present study was to assess the correlation of the presence of anti-zona pellucida antibodies (AZPA) and the outcome of IVF. AZPA also was correlated with hormone levels in women with IVF failure.

Methods: Sixty women undergo IVF were participated in the study. Women group that had conceived from IVF are expressed as "pregnant group" while women who hadn't are expressed as "failure group". All groups had treatment regimen depending on parameters. Women with IVF failure were devided into  subgroups according to the total gonadotrophin dosage, duration of treatment, and oocyte yield.

Results: Results revealed  that there is the insignificant difference between pregnant and failure groups in serum AZPA level. The results showed a significant higher estradiol (E2) (p=0.024), anti-müllerian (AMH) (p=0.006), and lower prolactin (PRL) (p=0.002) in pregnant in comparing with failure group. Correlations studies indicated a significant correlation between AZPA and AMH in pregnant group, and there is a significant correlation between AZPA and E2 hormone in the failure group.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that serum AZPA level does not differ between women who had success or failure IVF. However, in women with failure pregnancy in IVF, AZPA is positively correlated with E2 and its negatively correlated with PRL. In pregnant group, AZPA is positively correlated with AMH.

Keywords: In vitro fertilization, Estradiol, Anti-zonapellucida antibodies


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How to Cite

Al-hakeim, H. K., I. M. Jebur, and R. S. Alkhafaji. “SERUM ANTI-ZONA PELLUCIDA ANTIBODIES IS CORRELATED WITH ESTRADIOL LEVEL IN WOMEN WITH IN VITRO FERTILIZATION FAILURE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 41-44,



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