
  • Hiren N. Hirapara Tutor, GMERS Medical College, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • Vishal M. Ghori
  • Ashish P. Anovadiya
  • C. B. Tripathi


Antihypertensive drugs, Diabetic ulcers, Re-epithelization, Streptozotocin


Objective: A number of structural and functional mechanisms have been identified in the pathogenesis of impaired wound healing in diabetes. Diabetes promotes endothelial dysfunction as evidenced by decreased nitric oxide (NO) production. NO deficiency and resultant impaired angiogenesis have been implicated in impaired wound healing in diabetes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of amlodipine and enalapril on wound healing in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats based on previous observations that amlodipine increases NO bioavailability and enalapril promote angiogenesis.

Methods: Four groups for each wound model (n=6 in each group; total 8 groups) were used and served as diabetic control, active control (glibenclamide), amlodipine, and enalapril groups. Wound closure rate and re-epithelialization were studied in the excision wounds. Incision wounds were studied for wound breaking strength while dead space wounds were studied for granulation tissue weight, hydroxyproline content, and histological changes in granulation tissue.

Results: Amlodipine and enalapril significantly (P<0.05) increased re-epithelialization in excision wound model. Amlodipine significantly improved incision wound breaking strength while enalapril increased granulation tissue formation. None of the study agents had a significant effect on wound granulation tissue histology.

Conclusion: Amlodipine and enalapril enhance the re-epithelialization in the diabetic wound. Choosing amlodipine or enalapril as antihypertensive in diabetic patients may help to improve impaired wound healing in these patients. Further human trials are needed to demonstrate similar benefits in diabetic patients with wounds.

Keywords:Antihypertensive drugs, Diabetic ulcers, Re-epithelization, Streptozotocin



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How to Cite

Hirapara, H. N., V. M. Ghori, A. P. Anovadiya, and C. B. Tripathi. “EFFECT OF AMLODIPINE AND ENALAPRIL ON WOUND HEALING IN DIABETIC WISTAR ALBINO RATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 7, July 2016, pp. 257-61, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/11808.



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