
  • Issraa Rasheed Abed Al-rahman Al-Obaidi Pharmaceutics Department, College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad
  • Issam Yasser Husean Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq.


Bioadhesive microparticles, Water sorption, Nasal drug delivery, Dynamic adhesion, Co-precipitation technique, HPMC polymer, Differential scanning calorimetry


Objective: An aqueous-organic precipitation technique was developed for preparing bioadhesive hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) microparticles for nasal delivery using a low viscosity grade of HPMC K100LV.

Methods: The method involved the preparation of HPMC microparticles by precipitating the gelled HPMC into acetone. The effect of different processing variables of precipitation technique on in-vitro bioadhesive performance of HPMC microparticles was studied.

Results: In-vitro assessment of adhesion properties of the microparticles showed that the process of co-precipitation greatly increased the adhesiveness in comparison with unprocessed HPMC powder. Bioadhesive performance was found to be dependent on the dehydrated state of the polymer following precipitation, with the most dehydrated formulations using the slowest (dropwise) rate of addition of the HPMC gel to acetone, showing lower water uptake and greater adhesive performance. It would be expected therefore, that the interaction of acetone and water would be instantaneous and complete, resulting in an extremely efficient dehydration process and a collapse of HPMC matrix structure, forming a physical barrier to subsequent rehydration.

Conclusion: This formulation afforded the highest bioadhesion score in the test employed, which was designed to represent the dynamic interplay of hydration, entanglement of polymer and mucin, and rheological flow which a formulation would experience on the nasal mucosal surface.


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How to Cite

Al-Obaidi, I. R. A. A.- rahman, and I. Y. Husean. “WATER UPTAKE PERFORMANCE OF BIOADHESIVE HPMC MICROPARTICLES FOR NASAL ADMINISTRATION USING DIFFERENT PROCESSING VARIABLES OF CO-PRECIPITATION TECHNIQUE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 225-31, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/1736.



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