
  • S. R. K. Neeraja Department of Zoology, SSBN Degree College, Anantapuramu. 515001. A. P, India.
  • P. Giridhar Department of Zoology, Govt Degree College(M), Anantapuramu. 515001. A. P, India.


Deltamethrin, Sublethal, Labeo rohita, Total proteins, Protease activity and Free amino acids


Objective: The contamination of water by pesticides may effect on non - target organisms like fish. So an attempt was made on sublethal effect of deltamethrin on some aspects of protein metabolism in the fish Labeo rohita.

Methods: The fish fingerlings were exposed to sublethal concentration of Deltamethrin for five exposure periods i.e. 1, 7, 15, 20 and 30 day. In this investigation the levels of total proteins, protease activity and free amino acids were estimated in the brain, liver, gill, kidney and muscle of fish.

Results: The levels of total proteins declined on 1st day exposure and continued its declination up to 15th day. From 15th day onwards their levels gradually elevated and came nearer to control on 30th day exposure period. In contrast to this the levels of protease activity and free amino acids followed an opposite tend.

Conclusion: In the present study the shifts in protein metabolism might to compensate with situation shown by the fish for its survival.


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How to Cite

Neeraja, S. R. K., and P. Giridhar. “EFFECT OF DELTAMEFFECT OF DELTAMETHRIN ON SOME ASPECTS OF PROTEIN METABOLISM IN FRESH WATER FISH LABEO ROHITA (HAMILTON)ETHRIN ON SOME ASPECTS OF PROTEIN METABOLISM IN FRESH WATER FISH LABEO ROHITA (HAMILTON)”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 494-7, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/1746.



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