
  • Paula Alves Salmito Rodrigues Laboratory of Human Biochemistry of the State University of Ceará (1700 Silas Munguba Avenue, Block D, Itaperi Campus, 60740-000)
  • Izabel Florindo Guedes Laboratory of Human Biochemistry of the State University of Ceará (1700 Silas Munguba Avenue, Block D, Itaperi Campus, 60740-000)
  • MARCIA MARIA MENDES MARQUES Laboratory of Human Biochemistry of the State University of Ceará (1700 Silas Munguba Avenue, Block D, Itaperi Campus, 60740-000)
  • Isaac Neto Goes Da Silva Laboratory of Veterinary Clinical Pathology of the State University of Ceará (1700 Silas Munguba Avenue, Itaperi Campus, 60740-000)
  • ICARO GUSMAO PINTO VIEIRA Laboratory of Natural Products (1700 Silas Munguba Avenue, Itaperi Campus, 60740-000)


Carnauba wax, Cinnamic acid esters, Diabetes Mellitus


Objective: This study characterizeesters from carnauba crude powder and evaluates its hypoglycemic effect on the treatment of diabetic animals.

Methods: Groups of diabetic micewere induced by alloxan and treated with carnauba crude powder. Blood samples were collected to determine the glucose serum level.

Results: The compound was identified and characterized as diester of the 4-methoxycinnamic acid (PCO-C) and presented hypoglycemic effect in the concentrations of 100 and 150 mg/kgbody weight (b.w. )The concentration 150 mg/kg b.w..o.f PCO-C presented the best effect on controlling glucose levels (p<0.05),when compared to the reference drug.

Conclusion: The results indicate that the PCO-C is a promising therapeutic compound with hypoglycemic effect. This action can be justified by the presence of the diester of 4- methoxycinnamic acid.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, P. A. S., I. F. Guedes, M. M. MENDES MARQUES, I. N. G. D. Silva, and I. G. PINTO VIEIRA. “HYPOGLYCEMIC ACTIVITY OF COPERNICIACERIFERA MART.L.EAF POWDER EXTRACT IN THE TREATMENT OF ALLOXAN-INDUCED DIABETIC MICE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 2014, pp. 115-8, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/2256.



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