
  • T. G. Vimala Kumari Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida 201303, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Kausik Basu Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida 201303, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • T. G. Nithya Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University Kattankulathur, India
  • Ajit Varma Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida 201303, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Amit C. Kharkwal Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida 201303, Uttar Pradesh, India


Trichoderma spp, Alkaline pH, Tolerance, Biomass, Biocontrol


Objective: The main aim of the study was to screen twenty isolates of Trichoderma spp isolated from high alkaline agricultural soil and non agricultural soil and to test them invitro for their pH levels tolerance and biomass production.

Methods: All the twenty Trichoderma spp isolates were assessed for growth and biomass yield at different alkaline pH 9, 10, 11 on nutrient medium PCA and PCB. The growth were measured in terms of mycelial weight (cell biomass) and sporulation. The most tolerant isolates were further studied for their biocontrol activity against phytopathogen isolated from same location.

Results: Significant variations in the growth of the isolates were recorded with increasing pH. Different isolates of same species also varies in their growth and biomass yield at pH 7, 9, 10, and 11. The isolates were screened for highest growth at pH 11 in terms of biomass yield. 12 isolates showed prominent biomass yield at pH 10.0, but only 5 isolates were able to grow prominently at pH 11

Conclusion: The study concluded that Trichoderma spp isolated from alkali soil with a high pH of more than 11 was only able to grow under high pH range of 9, 10, 11 and also exhibited maximum antagnostic activity for the pathogens studied.


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How to Cite

Kumari, T. G. V., K. Basu, T. G. Nithya, A. Varma, and A. C. Kharkwal. “ISOLATION AND SCREENING OF ALKALI TOLERANT TRICHODERMA SPP AS BIOCONTROL AGENT FOR ALKALINE AGRICULTURAL SOIL”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 2014, pp. 512-6,



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