Aerated drink, Blood pressure, Heart rateAbstract
Objective: To study the relationship of aerated drink (soft drink) consumption on the blood pressure and heart rate of student population.
Methods: 50 medical students (25 male and 25 female) volunteered to participate in this study. The blood pressure and heart rate of the student was taken and recorded as initial blood pressure (pre-test, control). The student was then given 250 ml of aerated drink. After 20 min* the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate of the student was taken once again (post-test) and the reading was recorded.
Results: The statistical analysis suggest that, there was 0.88±0.10 mm/Hg increase in the mean arterial pressure, subsequent to the consumption of the aerated drink in the male student population and 2.85±0.18 mm/Hg in the female student population. Similarly, 0.76±0.03 beats/minute increase in the heart rate in male population and 1.2±0.05 beats/minute was observed in female population.
Conclusion: In our study aerated drink have not shown a significant effect on mean arterial pressure and heart rate in both males and females. Chronic consumption may have the effect on mean arterial pressure and heart rate but random consumption may not have significant effect.
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