
  • Ratnam V. Kamsala University of Hyderabad
  • Bhakshu Md. Lepakshi Government College for Men
  • Padma Y Sri Krishnadevaraya University
  • Rrvenkata Raju R. R. Sri Krishnadevaraya University


Syzygium alternifolium, Antimicrobial Antioxidant


Objective: To study the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Syzygium alternifolium (SA) leaf extracts by using in vitro methods.

Methods: Hexane (HE), ethyl acetate (EAE), ethanol (EE) and water (WE) extracts of S. alternifolium leaf, were screened for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities using in vitro methods. Total phenolic and total antioxidant capacity of SA- leaf extracts were quantified as gallic acid equivalents, using the spectrophotometric method.

Results: Among the test extracts ethanol and aqueous extracts exhibited strong antioxidant activity than that of hexane and ethyl acetate. Free radicals, DPPH and H2O2 were significantly inhibited by aqueous extract (IC50 4µg and 10 µg/mL), while nitric oxide was strongly inhibited by ethanol extract (IC 50 30 µg/mL). Ethanol and water extracts contained the higher amount of total phenolic content (29±0.4 and 30±0.8 mg GAE/g dwt) and total antioxidant activity (40±0.1 and 49±0.7 mg AAE mg/g dwt), respectively. The antioxidant activity of ethanol and water extracts exhibited a dose dependent activity and well correlated to its phenol concentration, which is not followed as in hexane and ethyl acetate extract. Further, the leaf extracts were investigated for antimicrobial activity, on five bacterial and one fungal strain using disc diffusion and micro dilution methods. Of the test extracts, hexane extract, showed pronounced antimicrobial spectrum, ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts showed feeble activity, while aqueous extract showed faint inhibition against the test pathogens.

Conclusion: The present observations suggest that S. alternifolium leaves may be considered as a new source for antioxidant and antimicrobial constituents for therapeutic use.



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Author Biography

Rrvenkata Raju R. R., Sri Krishnadevaraya University

Department of Botany


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How to Cite

Kamsala, R. V., B. M. Lepakshi, P. Y, and R. R. R. R. “STUDIES ON ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF LEAF EXTRACTS OF SYZYGIUM ALTERNIFOLIUM (WT.) WALP”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 2015, pp. 139-43,



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