
  • V. Ravichandiran School of pharmaceutical Sciences Vels University
  • S. Manivannan Research Scholar School of pharmaceutical Sciences Vels University


Transdermal patches, Ficus racemosa, Tannin fraction, Wound healing


Objective: The present study aimed to develop transdermal patches containing alkaloid fraction, flavonoid fraction and tannin fraction from Ficus racemosa bark and to assess its wound healing potency.

Methods: In the present investigation, herbal transdermal patches were formulated using natural polymer Protanal LF10/60 by solvent evaporation technique. The physicochemical parameters like flexibility, thickness, smoothness, weight variation, moisture content, hardness and tensile strength were evaluated. Transdermal formulation was exposed to in-vitro cytotoxicity studies in Balb/c 3T3 cell line using the direct contact method. Wound healing activity of the developed formulation was carried out by excision and incision wound model.

Results: Thin, flexible, smooth and transparent films were obtained with natural polymer Protanal LF10/60. The formulation was found to be flexible, uniform thickness and weight, smooth, good drug content (92 to 96%) and little moisture absorption. Quantitative evaluation of in-vitro cytotoxicity studies using MTT assay for the test items and Blank (Placebo) showed a viability of 86.84%, 85.53%, 86.84% and 92.76% respectively. The obtained values indicated that the transdermal patches were non-cytotoxic. Among the tested formulations, the transdermal patches containing flavonoid fraction (TPFF) and tannin fraction (TPTF) showed significant reduction in wound area and significant increase in wound breaking strength in both excision and incision models when compared with control group.

Conclusion: The developed formulations containing bioactive fractions possess significant wound healing activity in excision and incision wound models. The present investigation offers scientific evidence to the folkloric accounts of the use of bark in treating wounds.



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Author Biography

V. Ravichandiran, School of pharmaceutical Sciences Vels University


School of pharmaceutical Sciences
Vels University


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How to Cite

Ravichandiran, V., and S. Manivannan. “WOUND HEALING POTENTIAL OF TRANSDERMAL PATCHES CONTAINING BIOACTIVE FRACTION FROM THE BARK OF FICUS RACEMOSA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 326-32, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/3524.



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