
  • Y. C. Tripathi Chemistry Division, Forest Research Institute Dehradun
  • Pratibha Shukla Chemistry Division, Forest Research Institute Dehradun
  • Devesh Tewari Chemistry Division, Forest Research Institute Dehradun


Antihyperglycemic, Antidiabetic, Hypoglycemic


Objective: Present study was aimed at examining the constituents of essential oil of leaves and evaluation of phytochemical and antihyperglycemic effect of methanolic seed extracts of Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. in Streptozotocin induced diabetes.

Methods: Essential oil was extracted from E. ganitrus leaves by hydrodistillation and purified oil was subjected to GC-FID analysis Preliminary phytochemical screening of various extracts of E. ganitrus seeds was carried out and antidiabetic activity of methanolic extract was evaluated in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.

Results: The results revealed which showed the presence of altogether sixteen constituents. The methanolic seed extract of E. ganitrus exhibit potent antidiabetic activity comparable to the standard drug glybenclamide.

Conclusion: It can be concluded from the study that methanolic extract of E. ganitrus seeds possess potent hypoglycemic activity.


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How to Cite

Tripathi, Y. C., P. Shukla, and D. Tewari. “PHYTOCHEMICAL EVALUATION AND ANTIHYPERGLYCEMIC EFFECTS OF ELAEOCARPUS GANITRUS ROXB (RUDRAKSHA) IN STREPTOZOTOCIN INDUCED DIABETES”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 280-3,



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