
  • Shadma Anjum Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad
  • Shanthy Sundaram Center of Biotechnology, University of Allahabad
  • G. K. Rai Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad


Musa paradisica, Oxalate oxidase, Oxalate and overripe fruit, Germin like protein


Objective: Enzymes like oxalate oxidase (EC and superoxide dismutase (EC from germin family are known to generate active oxygen species. In the mammalian system, excess accumulations of oxalate causes kidney stones. Oxalate oxidase, an H2O2-generating enzyme, used for detection of oxalate. The aim of the present work is to screen out the activity of enzymes from all three stages of banana (Musa paradisica L. Variety Bhusawalâ€) peel and to isolate, purified and characterized oxalate oxidase from this. With that describe the physiological role of both oxalate oxidase and superoxide dismutase in the plant.

Methods: Oxalate oxidase activity can be detected directly in SDS-PAGE gel. Purification was done by using ion-exchange chromatography and SDS-PAGE Gel.

Results: Highest activity 5.99+0.021 unit /mg of oxalate oxidase were detected in leaky ripe stage of banana peel after purification. In crude extract of unripe banana peel activity of superoxide dismutase were found high (2.41unit/mg) compared to oxalate oxidase (0.269+ 0.020 unit/mg). Their occurence in different ripening stage of banana peel shows its role in plant defense mechanism.

Conclusion: The purified enzyme of oxalate oxidase from banana peel is useful in the determination of oxalate content in common food, which is necessary for the prescription of the low oxalate diet for a patient with urinary and kidney stone where as superoxide dismutase work against ageing.



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Author Biographies

Shadma Anjum, Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad

Adhoc Lecturer, S.S.Khanana, university of allahabad

Shanthy Sundaram, Center of Biotechnology, University of Allahabad

Professor, Centre of biotechnology, University of Allahabad

G. K. Rai, Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad

Head of department, centre of food technology

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How to Cite

Anjum, S., S. Sundaram, and G. K. Rai. “BANANA PEEL OXALATE OXIDASE-DETECTION, PURIFICATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ROLE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 332-9,



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