
  • Rovshan I. Khalilov Department of Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Baku State University, Azerbaijan, Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan
  • Aygun N. Nasibova Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan,
  • Naglaa Youssef Department of Botany, Faculty of Science. Sohag University, Egypt


magnetic nanoparticles, EPR signal, environment, pollution


Objective: The change of the signal intensity of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of plants as privet-Ligustrum japonicum, olive – Olea europea and pyrocantha – Pyracantha coccinea was studied. İn the study of environmental pollution was used EPR signals of plants.

Methods: In all study areas the exposure dose rate (EDR) was measured using a MKS- 1125 AT, Atomtex dosimeter - radiometer. EPR spectra of dry plant objects were recorded using "BRUKER" EPR spectrometer. Radionuclide composition and specific activity of radionuclides in the samples were determined by gamma spectrometry.

Results: It is shown that the intensity of the broad EPR signal (ΔH ≈ 450 G, g = 2.32) that presumably belong to iron oxide nanoparticles, rises with the increase of environmental pollution. The comparative analysis of intensity changes of broad EPR signals depending on the level of contamination was studied. EDR of the areas where plants were collected was measured. The elemental and radionuclide composition was determined and the specific activity of radionuclides in the leaves of test plants was measured.

Conclusion: The obtained results allow us to use the EPR spectra that belong to nanoparticles of iron oxide as bio indicative parameters of environmental pollution.



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How to Cite

Khalilov, R. I., A. N. Nasibova, and N. Youssef. “THE USE OF EPR SIGNALS OF PLANTS AS BIOINDICATIVE PARAMETERSIN THESTUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 13, Oct. 2015, pp. 172-5,