
  • Ajay Kumar Department of Microbiology, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga.
  • Manish Kumar Singh Vishweshwariah college of Applied sciences
  • Syeda Amena Department of Biotechnology, Vishweshwariah college of Applied sciences, Gulbarga, Karnataka.


Naringinase, Micrococcus SP, Optimization of various parameters


Objective: Isolation and purification of naringinase from Mircoccus sp.

Methods: The naringinase producing microorganism was isolated from the soil sample by the serial dilution method. The isolate was identified based on morphological, microscopic and biochemical characters. The physico-chemical parameters, effect of carbon and nitrogen source was carried out. The protein was purified using ultrafiltration, ammonium sulfate precipitation and Dialysis and detected by using SDS-PAGE.

Results: A total of 10 isolates were obtained among them isolate AMJVC-8 showed the highest activity and hence the same was selected for further studies. Based on morphological, microscopic and biochemical characters, the isolate tentatively identified as the member of Micrococcus. The optimum pH and temperature for nariginase production were found to be 6.0, 37oC respectively. The optimum inoculums size, agitation speed was found to be 6% and 160rpm respectively. The optimum carbon and nitrogen source for nariginase production were found to be 1.5%, 0.50% respectively. The molecular weight of the enzyme was found to 48 kDa.

Conclusion: Microbial enzymes are gaining special importance in the recent days due to cost effective production and economically viable process. Microbial naringinase has completely replaced the chemical methods of naringin reduction in industries. Production of naringinase has been very well studied in fungal sources, however, very limited reports are available on bacterial naringinase. There is a great scope for fermentation process development using new isolates, which would result in the commercially viable processes. Thus, isolation of new promising naringinase producers is the need of the hour.



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How to Cite

Kumar, A., M. K. Singh, and S. Amena. “OPTIMIZATION OF NARINGINASE PRODUCTION AND ITS PURIFICATION FROM MICROCOCCUS SP”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 2015, pp. 269-72, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/4053.



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