
  • Abdul Aziz Yahya Al-ghamdi Associate prof. of Medical Microbiology


Datura stramonium, Phytochemical, Thin layer chromatography, Candida albican, Streptococcus mutant


Objectives:  Existing antimicrobial compounds are of a limited effectiveness. Therefore, the antimicrobial activity of Datura stramonium extracts was evaluated against two important human pathogens; Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans.

Methods: In this study, Datura stramonium was collected from Al Baha area and its leaves and seeds were extracted with different organic solvent. Datura stramonium extracts were tested for the inhibition of Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans using Agar Ditch method. Also, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) were evaluated

Results: The minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of Datura were 65 mg/ml in case of leave water extract and 100 mg/ml of methanol seed extrac when tested against S. m.u.tans. However, MFC was 65mg/ml in the case of chloroform and water leave extracts and 100 mg/ml with methanol seed extract, when tested against C. albicans. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the plant leaf extracts was 80 mg/ml of acetone, 45 mg/ml of both chloroform and water extracts when tested on S. mutans. Chloroform and water leave extracts were inhibitory to C. albicans with MIC:  45 and 60 mg/ml respectively. Furthermore,Candida albicans was susceptible to methanol seed and aqueous leaf extract at 45 mg/ml.

Conclusion: In the future, these extracts might be tested as amendments to teeth past to avoid its decay by S. mutans or be used as an ointment against candidiasis infection. Where, it has proven inhibitory efficacy on tested microorganisms inhibition.



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Author Biography

Abdul Aziz Yahya Al-ghamdi, Associate prof. of Medical Microbiology

Faculty of Science, Biology Department


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How to Cite

Al-ghamdi, A. A. Y. “INHIBITION OF CANDIDA ALBICANS AND STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS WITH DATURA LEAF AND SEED EXTRACTS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 2015, pp. 403-6,



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