
  • Kurnia Dwi Widyarini Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Elin Yulinah Sukandar Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Irda Fidrianny Bandung Institute of Technology


Anredera cordifolia, Sonchus arvensis, Xanthine oxidase, Inhibitory activity, Antihyperuricemic


Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitory activity and the ability to reduce serum uric acid levels of 70% ethanol extracts of Anredera cordifolia (ACE) and Sonchus arvensis (SAE) leaves, and its combinations.

Methods: Inhibitory activity of XO was determined by measuring uric acid formation by UV spectrophotometry. Moreover, the antihyperuricemic assay conducted in vivo in male Wistar rats was induced by high-purine diet and potassium oxonate (PO). The reduction of serum uric acid levels after extracts administration was observed and compared to allopurinol.

Results: The IC50 results of ACE, SAE, and the combination of both with a ratio of 1:1 were obtained 635.25 ppm, 1345.93 ppm, and 846.32 ppm, respectively. The IC50 of allopurinol as reference was 0.88 ppm. Hence, XO inhibitory activity of the combination extracts was additive. Results of antihyperuricemic assay showed that uric acid levels of the group of allopurinol, ACE, SAE, and the combination of both extracts were significantly lower compared to the positive control group at 120 and 150 minutes after PO induction (p<0.05). Combination extracts provide an additive effect in lowering serum uric acid levels.

Conclusion: ACE and SAE had xanthine oxidase inhibitory and antihyperuricemic activities, and its combination provided an additive effect. The results were suggested that the extracts may have a considerable potential for developing as antihyperuricemia agent.



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How to Cite

Widyarini, K. D., E. Y. Sukandar, and I. Fidrianny. “XANTHINE OXIDASE INHIBITORY AND ANTIHYPERURICEMIC ACTIVITIES OF ANREDERA CORDIFOLIA (TEN) STEENIS, SONCHUS ARVENSIS L, AND ITS COMBINATION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 86-90, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/4344.



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